I found this article on Steven Campbell Sr. in the Feb. 1926 Mining Review. I am also providing a link to Steven Campbell Jr.'s original letters on Coal Mining.
Steve Campbell Sr. hurt in mine cave in
Telephone message received here Thursday evening states, "Steven Campbell Sr. former well Known Rich Hill Miner was badly injured Thursday by cavein at Henryetta, Okla. where he is employed as a mine boss."
Mr. Campbell had almost gotten out of the mine when the cavein started but at the last moment falling rock caught his left leg, crushing it just above his ankle, causing a compound fracture. He was taken at once to the Henryetta Hosptial for teatment. It is believed that Mr. Campbell will be laid up for several months before he fully recovers from the injury. Friends here regreat his misfortune.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
Ed. H. McReynolds
The blog tonight was taken from the July 16, 1926 Rich Hill Review. I see many newspaper stories on Mr. McReynolds, apparently the town was very proud of his job that he had with the railroad.

Ed, H. McReynolds
Ed. H. McReynolds, former Rich Hill boy, a son of George McReynolds, holds a responsible position with the Mo. Pacific railroad with headquarters in St. Louis. To his creative and executive ability much credit is due for the success of the Mo. Pacific's Pageant of Progress which was re-cently held in St. Louis. He is editor of the Mo. Pacific Magazine, and one of President Baldwin's chief aides.
Ed. H. McReynolds, former Rich Hill boy, a son of George McReynolds, holds a responsible position with the Mo. Pacific railroad with headquarters in St. Louis. To his creative and executive ability much credit is due for the success of the Mo. Pacific's Pageant of Progress which was re-cently held in St. Louis. He is editor of the Mo. Pacific Magazine, and one of President Baldwin's chief aides.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
A Crew from the 1960's
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
1883 High School
Tonights blog came from the 1980 "The Town that coal Built" a historical book by the Rich Hill Lions club.

Almost a year after the town of Rich Hill had been established, an election was called to organize a school district and elect a board of directors. Prior to the election about fifteen pupils had been enrolled in a fourteen by sixteen foot frame building that was used for classes. This building was located east of town. The following men were elected as the first board of directors: For one year term — Mr. C. H. Dallas and James Scott; For two year term — George Huckeby and J. L. Minor; For three year term — Josi-ah Lane and Dr. W. H. Harris.
A tax levy of three percent on taxable property and a four thousand dollar bond issue carried. A two story brick building with four large classrooms, a hall and stairway was built on the east side of town on Walnut Street. It was arranged so that an east and west wing could be added when needed.
The churches were used as classrooms during the 1881-1882 school term. The Rev. Mr. Henshaw, principal and six teachers were employed to teach. Miss Rolla Hedges (Booth) was in charge of classes at the Presbyterian Church on Park Avenue and Miss Sarah Baker held class at the Camphellite Church on Ninth and Walnut.
When school opened in the fall of 1882, there was an enrollment of eight hundred pupils.
The town grew so rapidly that seven hundred, eighty four houses and two hundred business houses had been constructed by 1883. With so many new families coming to town on every train, the Board of Education saw the need for another school building. A bond issue for ten thousand dollars was carried by a large majority. A two-story brick building with eight well arranged rooms was built on the west side of town. This building was well planned and displayed artistic workmanship. An early picture showed a fence around the schoolyard with a stile for an entrance. As the need arose, additions have been added. Eight large classrooms were built across the south front with wide corridors, strong concrete stairs and large attractive windows completely across the front. There were three main entrances on the south, east and west and two smaller ones on the northeast and northwest. The interior featured a large skylight over the central part of the building, restrooms in the basement and ventilating system that provided for a large fan (never installed] to circulate air to and from the classrooms through vents near the floor and ceiling
A tax levy of three percent on taxable property and a four thousand dollar bond issue carried. A two story brick building with four large classrooms, a hall and stairway was built on the east side of town on Walnut Street. It was arranged so that an east and west wing could be added when needed.
The churches were used as classrooms during the 1881-1882 school term. The Rev. Mr. Henshaw, principal and six teachers were employed to teach. Miss Rolla Hedges (Booth) was in charge of classes at the Presbyterian Church on Park Avenue and Miss Sarah Baker held class at the Camphellite Church on Ninth and Walnut.
When school opened in the fall of 1882, there was an enrollment of eight hundred pupils.
The town grew so rapidly that seven hundred, eighty four houses and two hundred business houses had been constructed by 1883. With so many new families coming to town on every train, the Board of Education saw the need for another school building. A bond issue for ten thousand dollars was carried by a large majority. A two-story brick building with eight well arranged rooms was built on the west side of town. This building was well planned and displayed artistic workmanship. An early picture showed a fence around the schoolyard with a stile for an entrance. As the need arose, additions have been added. Eight large classrooms were built across the south front with wide corridors, strong concrete stairs and large attractive windows completely across the front. There were three main entrances on the south, east and west and two smaller ones on the northeast and northwest. The interior featured a large skylight over the central part of the building, restrooms in the basement and ventilating system that provided for a large fan (never installed] to circulate air to and from the classrooms through vents near the floor and ceiling
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Tonights blog was on the cover of the Wagon Wheels Insert to the Rich Hill Mining Review the June 29, 1978 edition.

Mrs. H. E. "Winnie" Winegar, Rich Hill Artist above: portrait drawn by Bob Schlyer another Rich Hill Artist and retired Art Teacher at Rich Hill High School.
Travel was the theme for this issue and at first Mrs. Winegar might seem an odd subject for the cover. However, those who attended her one-person art show last week-end may see the significance. By viewing her many paintings, viewers can travel to many places and see scenic places without leaving Rich Hill!
Mrs. Winegar herself was quite a traveler, both as a child and as a ministers wife. She lived in several midwest and western states.

Mrs. H. E. "Winnie" Winegar, Rich Hill Artist above: portrait drawn by Bob Schlyer another Rich Hill Artist and retired Art Teacher at Rich Hill High School.
Travel was the theme for this issue and at first Mrs. Winegar might seem an odd subject for the cover. However, those who attended her one-person art show last week-end may see the significance. By viewing her many paintings, viewers can travel to many places and see scenic places without leaving Rich Hill!
Mrs. Winegar herself was quite a traveler, both as a child and as a ministers wife. She lived in several midwest and western states.
The picture above was my wifes home in Rich Hill. Winnie was my wifes neighbor. When my wife was young she would visit with Winnie almost daily. The house burnt to the ground in May of 1980. Winnie gave this picture to my wife as a wedding present in 1982.
According to my wife winnie had many talents, she said she used to help Winnie make hand braided rugs out of old coats and clothing.
Mrs. H.E. Winegar - "Winnie" passed away in 1985.
Monday, February 23, 2009
They Sought Oil Early
Tonight's blog was taken from the book "The History of Rich Hill" By E.R. McQuitty. I have not researched this information any further than the article I found. I am however searching for information about the " Early Oil in Rich Hill.
In the spring of 1884 ten or twelve strangers came to Rich Hill, bringing with them one of the best drilling rigs of the time. After some kind of an arrangement, not made known, with Mr. Thomas McComb the crew installed the machinery on the hill on the McComb land just west of the cemetery. Today the land is the Henry Stevener farm. Drilling commenced at once and continued day and night throughout the summer and up into late winter. Suddenly the operations stopped, the drilling equipment dismantled and the strangers disappeared as mysteriously as they came. Before leaving, however, a sixty-foot pole was driven into the casing flush with the ground. It was the conjecture for years afterward that the drill had penetrated oil and the promoters, not desirous of developing the field at the time, had "locked up" the well for future development, or until such time as a scarcity of oil might demand that the well be opened. At any rate the drillers might as well have been deaf and dumb. They consistently refrained from all communication with visitors from town who frequently called by for a look around. It was known, however, that several barrels of oil were drawn from the well. Where it came from, no one knew. It could have been a genuine oil find, or the well might have been "salted. " If the latter, the purpose was never determined, as no stock was ever offered for sale nor additional land leased. Had Mr. McComb any further information than is here given the secret accompanied him to the grave several years later. The incident might have long been forgotten, but for the fact that oil deposits are known to exist in different sections of this immediate vicinity, even seapages coming to the surface. Some other drillings have been made but no one has been fortunate enough to "hit the right spot."
In the spring of 1884 ten or twelve strangers came to Rich Hill, bringing with them one of the best drilling rigs of the time. After some kind of an arrangement, not made known, with Mr. Thomas McComb the crew installed the machinery on the hill on the McComb land just west of the cemetery. Today the land is the Henry Stevener farm. Drilling commenced at once and continued day and night throughout the summer and up into late winter. Suddenly the operations stopped, the drilling equipment dismantled and the strangers disappeared as mysteriously as they came. Before leaving, however, a sixty-foot pole was driven into the casing flush with the ground. It was the conjecture for years afterward that the drill had penetrated oil and the promoters, not desirous of developing the field at the time, had "locked up" the well for future development, or until such time as a scarcity of oil might demand that the well be opened. At any rate the drillers might as well have been deaf and dumb. They consistently refrained from all communication with visitors from town who frequently called by for a look around. It was known, however, that several barrels of oil were drawn from the well. Where it came from, no one knew. It could have been a genuine oil find, or the well might have been "salted. " If the latter, the purpose was never determined, as no stock was ever offered for sale nor additional land leased. Had Mr. McComb any further information than is here given the secret accompanied him to the grave several years later. The incident might have long been forgotten, but for the fact that oil deposits are known to exist in different sections of this immediate vicinity, even seapages coming to the surface. Some other drillings have been made but no one has been fortunate enough to "hit the right spot."
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Bess C. Shafer
Tonights blog is about one of the many hard working former teachers from Rich Hill. Several people have previously asked me if I had ever ran across any information about Miss Shafer? So, I started to check into Miss Shafer and the following information is what I have found. The information for this blog came from the Butler Republican Newspaper and Miss Shafers' obituary.
Miss Bess C. Shafer was born November 25, 1911 in the Rich Hill community of Fairview. Bess was born to George W. and Theodocia E. Lyons Shafer. Bess had one brother George H. Shafer Jr. She attended the Fairview School and went to high school in Rich High; Graduating with the class of 1929. She attended Central Missouri State Teacher’s College in Warrensburg graduating in 1934 with a B.S. in Education and returned home to teach at the Fairview School. She was a very good elementary teacher and an outstanding high School teacher in Mathematics and a profound influence on her students, always willing to help a student in anyway. Ms. Shafer taught in the Rich Hill Elementary School and began teaching Mathematics for the Rich Hill Junior High and Senior High School in the 1940-1941 School year.
She was active in the Rich Hill Christian Church serving faithfully as a Sunday school teacher, pianist and organist.
She received her Master’s Degree from Central Missouri State University in the fall of 1964. After completing her Masters degree she began teaching mathematics in Grandview, Mo.
She retired from teaching in 1975, from the Grandview School District and moved to Nevada, Mo. There she was active in the First Christian Church as organist and in other church activities. She enjoyed her work with Meals on Wheels. She was a member of Delta Kappa Gamma. In 1990 she moved from Nevada, Mo. to Foxwood Springs in Raymore, Missouri. On December 11, 1998 she passed way in Belton, Missouri at Research Hospital. She was laid to rest at the Greenlawn Cemetery in Rich Hill, Mo.

She was active in the Rich Hill Christian Church serving faithfully as a Sunday school teacher, pianist and organist.
She received her Master’s Degree from Central Missouri State University in the fall of 1964. After completing her Masters degree she began teaching mathematics in Grandview, Mo.
She retired from teaching in 1975, from the Grandview School District and moved to Nevada, Mo. There she was active in the First Christian Church as organist and in other church activities. She enjoyed her work with Meals on Wheels. She was a member of Delta Kappa Gamma. In 1990 she moved from Nevada, Mo. to Foxwood Springs in Raymore, Missouri. On December 11, 1998 she passed way in Belton, Missouri at Research Hospital. She was laid to rest at the Greenlawn Cemetery in Rich Hill, Mo.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Lt.(jg) Donald Droz Killed In Vietnam
Tonight's blog is a Eulogy to LT. Donald Droz Written by Bill Perkey Published Thursday, April 17, 1969 in the Rich Hill Mining Review
On September 29, 1943, the name Donald Glenn Droz became a reality, then a few days later a few more people had heard the name, then weeks turned into years and it seemed the name was one that was going to be known by a great number of people.
Don Droz was a perfectionist, but not stuffy with a magnetic personality that fit him into any group at anytime. Even in his younger years this was evident. As I remember in the springtime and up into the summer you could find most of the boys in town, playing sand lot baseball over at Don's house, not because his was the only lot in town, but because it was just a good place, to be.
As the years rolled along the name Don Droz became familiar to more and more people, in his school he excelled as an honor student, being valedictorian of his class. He was a talented musician, and he graduated from Rich Hill High as one of its better athletes. And then (as it should have been) Don was accepted into the Naval Academy at Annapolis, (to me Don was "the type of young man that should represent this country as America's finest). While Don was away studying and training at the Academy many people missed the pleasant blond-headed boy often seen in an old sweat shirt, cut off blue jeans fishing pole in hand and heading for the river for an afternoon of "just livin'."
Many people thought that Don, being away from the small town for so long and attending the academy, that when he came home he would be wearing a stuffed shirt. Well when he graduated from the academy and came home in his sparking clean and stiffly creased dress blue uniform he could indeed carry his head a little higher, but it didn't Lt. (jg) Donald G. Droz long to jump into that old sweat shirt and grab that old fishing pole and become just plain old "Don" again.
Don was indeed a brilliant and talented person that still knew how to hold the common touch. And it is for this reason that he will be loved and respected by many and many of us, and I am sure that many will join me in saying that Don will always be one of Rich Hill's favorite sons.
Don was the second Rich Hillian to give his life for his county in Vietnam. A year ago this April 18, Jerry Boyles gave his life that might maintain the cause of peace. I am sure that memory of these two patriots of peace will be held dearly in the future of all of us.
" Those who die for the cause of peace, may they rest in peace"
On September 29, 1943, the name Donald Glenn Droz became a reality, then a few days later a few more people had heard the name, then weeks turned into years and it seemed the name was one that was going to be known by a great number of people.
Don Droz was a perfectionist, but not stuffy with a magnetic personality that fit him into any group at anytime. Even in his younger years this was evident. As I remember in the springtime and up into the summer you could find most of the boys in town, playing sand lot baseball over at Don's house, not because his was the only lot in town, but because it was just a good place, to be.
As the years rolled along the name Don Droz became familiar to more and more people, in his school he excelled as an honor student, being valedictorian of his class. He was a talented musician, and he graduated from Rich Hill High as one of its better athletes. And then (as it should have been) Don was accepted into the Naval Academy at Annapolis, (to me Don was "the type of young man that should represent this country as America's finest). While Don was away studying and training at the Academy many people missed the pleasant blond-headed boy often seen in an old sweat shirt, cut off blue jeans fishing pole in hand and heading for the river for an afternoon of "just livin'."
Many people thought that Don, being away from the small town for so long and attending the academy, that when he came home he would be wearing a stuffed shirt. Well when he graduated from the academy and came home in his sparking clean and stiffly creased dress blue uniform he could indeed carry his head a little higher, but it didn't Lt. (jg) Donald G. Droz long to jump into that old sweat shirt and grab that old fishing pole and become just plain old "Don" again.
Don was indeed a brilliant and talented person that still knew how to hold the common touch. And it is for this reason that he will be loved and respected by many and many of us, and I am sure that many will join me in saying that Don will always be one of Rich Hill's favorite sons.
Don was the second Rich Hillian to give his life for his county in Vietnam. A year ago this April 18, Jerry Boyles gave his life that might maintain the cause of peace. I am sure that memory of these two patriots of peace will be held dearly in the future of all of us.
" Those who die for the cause of peace, may they rest in peace"
Friday, February 20, 2009
4th of July Parachute Leap
This blog reminds me just how hard the 4th of July committee works to get great tallent for Rich Hill's famous for the 4th Celebration every year!
Rich Hill Review June 19 ,1926
This is one of the two airplanes that will be in Rich Hill July 5 th. The attraction committee for the big celebration today, Saturday signed a contract with the Bennett Transport Go, of Kansas City, for a complete Air Circus and two parachute leaps from the planes. This is only one of the many free acts planned for the giant celebration and home coming, Monday, July 5th.
Rich Hill Review July 6, 1926
Rich Hill Review June 19 ,1926
This is one of the two airplanes that will be in Rich Hill July 5 th. The attraction committee for the big celebration today, Saturday signed a contract with the Bennett Transport Go, of Kansas City, for a complete Air Circus and two parachute leaps from the planes. This is only one of the many free acts planned for the giant celebration and home coming, Monday, July 5th.

At the big Fourth of July celebration here late Monday, a parachute leap was made from an airplane of the Bennet Air Transportation company by Harold Grundy an athletic young man, who made the descent from a height of 3100 feet, landing safely in a cornfield out three miles east of the city. He was picked up by the plane. It was a thrilling performance and witnessed by a big crowd. Grundy was not so lucky in making a descent recently at Creighton, for he sustained painful injuries when he landed.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Don Droz
Tonights blog is a tough one! There is absolutely no way anyone can talk about the History of Rich Hill without mentioning the Donald Droz story. I will list several links to websites where you can read the Donald Droz Story. This blog was inspired by my daughter who came home from school yesterday and said, they were watching a documentary in her high school drama and film class. She said, the name of it was Be Good Smile Pretty. She said, " What a sad story!" I thought to myself, Yes, that was a sad documentary. My most memorable part of the documentary is when the mother showed his daughter his initials carved into the mortar near the rear door of the Methodist church. Later that same evening, I went to my usual Lions Club Meeting. After the meeting I was warming up my vehicle looking East down Park Street like I have seen in several post cards and pictures. I began thinking to myself, would Rich Hill have been a different town if Mr. droz had survived Vietnam?
Be Good,SmilePretty
The Virtual Wall
CBS News
Donald Droz was a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy. He was the skipper of PCF-43 which was assigned to Coastal Division Eleven. On April 12, 1969, as the Division was providing transportation and riverine assault coverage on the Duong Keo River, they were attacked by heavily-armed Viet Cong forces. 2 men, including Lt. Droz, were killed, 12 were wounded, and 3 were untouched in the attack. The PFC-43, which was loaded with explosives, exploded after all the men were recovered by Vietnamese Marines.Lt. Droz's name is on the Viet Nam Memorial Wall, on Panel 27W Row 63.
The above story comes from findagrave

The Virtual Wall
CBS News
Donald Droz was a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy. He was the skipper of PCF-43 which was assigned to Coastal Division Eleven. On April 12, 1969, as the Division was providing transportation and riverine assault coverage on the Duong Keo River, they were attacked by heavily-armed Viet Cong forces. 2 men, including Lt. Droz, were killed, 12 were wounded, and 3 were untouched in the attack. The PFC-43, which was loaded with explosives, exploded after all the men were recovered by Vietnamese Marines.Lt. Droz's name is on the Viet Nam Memorial Wall, on Panel 27W Row 63.
The above story comes from findagrave
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Campbell Family Part 2
Tonights blog is part #2 of the Campbell family. The families that stayed in the area after the coal boom ended, had to learn how to adjust to a new lifestyle of hard times.
Rich Hill Mining Review - January 7, 1972
Mrs. Edna Campbell, 70 of 103 East Olive Street, this city, passsed away Wednesday, January 1, 1972, in the Nevada City Hospital after a lingering illness. Edna Gertrude, daughter of Michael and Sarah Helen Miller Lounsbury, was born in Hume, MO, April 4, 1901. May 27, 1922, at Hume she was united in marriage to Steve Campbell. She had lived her lifetime in this community and was member of the United Methodist Church., W.S.C.S. and Order of the Eastern Star. Surviving are her husband, Steve, of the home; one daughter, Mrs. Carolyn Clark, St. Joseph, MO; one sister, Mrs. Leona Staats, Whittier, CA., one brother, Dr. John L. Lounsbury, San Bernadine, CA and two granddaughters, Allyson and Alicia Clark, St. Joseph. Funeral services were held at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon, Jan 6 in the United Methodist Church with Dr. Charles Baughman and Rev. Charles Clark officiating. Russell Blakely gave the eulogy. Member of the O.E.S. conducted services at the church. Pallbearers were Herman Eccher, J.D. Anderson, Roland Quinn, Robert Watson, Marlon Hall, and W.W. Clarkson. Honorary pallbearers were George Craig, Walter Clutter, Harold Clutter, Jim Tiona, Joe Tiona, R. T.F. Boyd, James Bales, Arch Copeland, Sam Genisia, Marion Moreland, Chester Dirks, Rev. George Baugh, Jim Brooks, Herb McDaniel and James Wheatley. Interment was made in Green Lawn Cemetery.
Rich Hill Mining Review - January 21, 1937
Mrs. Ruth McMullen, one of Rich Hill's most highly respected residents, passed away Thursday morning at 9:40 at her apartment in the Ina Waller home following a short illness. She suffered a stroke of apoplexy last week. Mrs. McMullen had been a resident of Rich Hill nearly 56 years, coming here with her husband from Howard County, MO. She was a member of the Methodist Church here, and was an active church worker. Her absence from the church will be deeply felt. Her husband preceded her in death in 1931. She was 81 years old. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Oscar W. Bryan of Compton, CA, and Mrs. Emily R. Calvert, of Pasadena, CA. Three brothers, S.R. Campbell, Sr. of Henryetta, OK; James J. Campbell of Warrensburg, MO, and Casey Campbell of Odessa, MO. Four sisters, Mrs. G. L. Noble of Tulsa, OK; Mrs. Grace Casse of San Francisco, CA; Mrs. Emily Nelson of St. Louis, MO; and Mrs. Kate Mudd, of Kansas City. Also three grandchildren; O W Bryan, Jr. of San Jose, CA; Geraldine Bryan of Compton Ca, and Ruth Calvert of Pasadena, CA.
Bates County Republican Rich Hill - Friday January 15. 1937
Death of Mrs. Ruth McMullen
Mrs. Ruth McMullen died at her apartment in the home of Mrs. Ina Waller Thursday morning following a paralytic stroke last week. She rallied after this stroke and then suffered another one this week and her relatives and friends knew that the end was not far off. Her daughters from Los Angeles and Kansas City were with their mother when the end came.
Mrs. McMullen has lived in Rich Hill for a great many years and was a most highly respected and loved lady. She was very active in the Methodist Church work where she has been a member since early girlhood. She reared her family here and always loved the town. Some years ago she went out to California to make her home with her daughters there but her old friends were here and she was never satisfied until she was able to return to her old home. Funeral arrangements have not been made as we go to press.
Rich Hill Mining Review - 19 Feb 1931
Samuel B. McMullen, 74, Died Suddenly Saturday
Samuel B. McMullen, 74 years old, born in Iowa City, Iowa, a resident of Rich Hill since 1884, passed away last Saturday morning, February 14, at his home on Chestnut Street at 8:35 o'clock. Mr. McMullen had been a sufferer for several months from heart trouble and dropsy, and his death while sudden was not wholly unexpected by his wife who survives him. He was a faithful member of the Methodist church and the funeral was conducted from the church Monday afternoon - at 2 o'clock. Mr. McMullen was married to Miss Ruth A. Campbell in 1878 and leaves his widow and two daughters, Mrs. Oscar W. Bryan of Portland, Ore., and Mrs. P.P. Calvert (sic) of Pasadena, CA; also three grandchildren, besides other relatives and friends to mourn his passing. Five children preceded him in death.
Rich Hill Mining Review - Sept 7, 1913
Mrs. Jas. Campbell Dead
Mrs. James Campbell, one of Missouri's Pioneers, passed away yesterday at 5.30 p.m., at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Sam McMullen, on North 2nd St. Her husband, a Mexican war veteran, died thirty five years ago. Mrs. Campbell, who was Priscilla Grace Rush, was born in Lexington, Kentucky, Sept 18, 1833. She was married to James Campbell in Carroll Co., MO, Dec 27, 1848; and to them were born thirteen children: Alfonso, William T. and Nannie B., died in early life and ten are living - Mrs. H.F. Lakey, McAllister, OK; Mrs. Ruth McMullen, Rich Hill, Mrs. Sidney Weston, Joplin, Mrs. Sallie McMullen, North Dakota, Mrs. Emily G. Nelson, St. Louis, Mo; S.R. Campbell, Rich Hill, Mrs. Grace R. Ainsworth, Idaho Falls, ID; James J. Campbell, Odessa, Mrs. Willard T. Mudd, Kansas City, C. B. Campbell, Prairie Grove, AR.
Mrs. Campbell was converted in early life at Cooper's Chapel, near Booneville, MO, and has been a faithful member of the M.E. Church for over a half century. For twelve years she has lived among her children, making her headquarters with S.R. Campbell at Rich Hill. For two years she has been a great sufferer, but was always brave and cheerful. The whole community sympathizes with the children, who are held in the highest esteem. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, from the Park Ave. M.E. Church, Rev. J. H. Cleaves officiating.
Rich Hill Mining Review - January 7, 1972
Mrs. Edna Campbell, 70 of 103 East Olive Street, this city, passsed away Wednesday, January 1, 1972, in the Nevada City Hospital after a lingering illness. Edna Gertrude, daughter of Michael and Sarah Helen Miller Lounsbury, was born in Hume, MO, April 4, 1901. May 27, 1922, at Hume she was united in marriage to Steve Campbell. She had lived her lifetime in this community and was member of the United Methodist Church., W.S.C.S. and Order of the Eastern Star. Surviving are her husband, Steve, of the home; one daughter, Mrs. Carolyn Clark, St. Joseph, MO; one sister, Mrs. Leona Staats, Whittier, CA., one brother, Dr. John L. Lounsbury, San Bernadine, CA and two granddaughters, Allyson and Alicia Clark, St. Joseph. Funeral services were held at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon, Jan 6 in the United Methodist Church with Dr. Charles Baughman and Rev. Charles Clark officiating. Russell Blakely gave the eulogy. Member of the O.E.S. conducted services at the church. Pallbearers were Herman Eccher, J.D. Anderson, Roland Quinn, Robert Watson, Marlon Hall, and W.W. Clarkson. Honorary pallbearers were George Craig, Walter Clutter, Harold Clutter, Jim Tiona, Joe Tiona, R. T.F. Boyd, James Bales, Arch Copeland, Sam Genisia, Marion Moreland, Chester Dirks, Rev. George Baugh, Jim Brooks, Herb McDaniel and James Wheatley. Interment was made in Green Lawn Cemetery.
Rich Hill Mining Review - January 21, 1937
Mrs. Ruth McMullen, one of Rich Hill's most highly respected residents, passed away Thursday morning at 9:40 at her apartment in the Ina Waller home following a short illness. She suffered a stroke of apoplexy last week. Mrs. McMullen had been a resident of Rich Hill nearly 56 years, coming here with her husband from Howard County, MO. She was a member of the Methodist Church here, and was an active church worker. Her absence from the church will be deeply felt. Her husband preceded her in death in 1931. She was 81 years old. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Oscar W. Bryan of Compton, CA, and Mrs. Emily R. Calvert, of Pasadena, CA. Three brothers, S.R. Campbell, Sr. of Henryetta, OK; James J. Campbell of Warrensburg, MO, and Casey Campbell of Odessa, MO. Four sisters, Mrs. G. L. Noble of Tulsa, OK; Mrs. Grace Casse of San Francisco, CA; Mrs. Emily Nelson of St. Louis, MO; and Mrs. Kate Mudd, of Kansas City. Also three grandchildren; O W Bryan, Jr. of San Jose, CA; Geraldine Bryan of Compton Ca, and Ruth Calvert of Pasadena, CA.
Bates County Republican Rich Hill - Friday January 15. 1937
Death of Mrs. Ruth McMullen
Mrs. Ruth McMullen died at her apartment in the home of Mrs. Ina Waller Thursday morning following a paralytic stroke last week. She rallied after this stroke and then suffered another one this week and her relatives and friends knew that the end was not far off. Her daughters from Los Angeles and Kansas City were with their mother when the end came.
Mrs. McMullen has lived in Rich Hill for a great many years and was a most highly respected and loved lady. She was very active in the Methodist Church work where she has been a member since early girlhood. She reared her family here and always loved the town. Some years ago she went out to California to make her home with her daughters there but her old friends were here and she was never satisfied until she was able to return to her old home. Funeral arrangements have not been made as we go to press.
Rich Hill Mining Review - 19 Feb 1931
Samuel B. McMullen, 74, Died Suddenly Saturday
Samuel B. McMullen, 74 years old, born in Iowa City, Iowa, a resident of Rich Hill since 1884, passed away last Saturday morning, February 14, at his home on Chestnut Street at 8:35 o'clock. Mr. McMullen had been a sufferer for several months from heart trouble and dropsy, and his death while sudden was not wholly unexpected by his wife who survives him. He was a faithful member of the Methodist church and the funeral was conducted from the church Monday afternoon - at 2 o'clock. Mr. McMullen was married to Miss Ruth A. Campbell in 1878 and leaves his widow and two daughters, Mrs. Oscar W. Bryan of Portland, Ore., and Mrs. P.P. Calvert (sic) of Pasadena, CA; also three grandchildren, besides other relatives and friends to mourn his passing. Five children preceded him in death.
Rich Hill Mining Review - Sept 7, 1913
Mrs. Jas. Campbell Dead
Mrs. James Campbell, one of Missouri's Pioneers, passed away yesterday at 5.30 p.m., at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Sam McMullen, on North 2nd St. Her husband, a Mexican war veteran, died thirty five years ago. Mrs. Campbell, who was Priscilla Grace Rush, was born in Lexington, Kentucky, Sept 18, 1833. She was married to James Campbell in Carroll Co., MO, Dec 27, 1848; and to them were born thirteen children: Alfonso, William T. and Nannie B., died in early life and ten are living - Mrs. H.F. Lakey, McAllister, OK; Mrs. Ruth McMullen, Rich Hill, Mrs. Sidney Weston, Joplin, Mrs. Sallie McMullen, North Dakota, Mrs. Emily G. Nelson, St. Louis, Mo; S.R. Campbell, Rich Hill, Mrs. Grace R. Ainsworth, Idaho Falls, ID; James J. Campbell, Odessa, Mrs. Willard T. Mudd, Kansas City, C. B. Campbell, Prairie Grove, AR.
Mrs. Campbell was converted in early life at Cooper's Chapel, near Booneville, MO, and has been a faithful member of the M.E. Church for over a half century. For twelve years she has lived among her children, making her headquarters with S.R. Campbell at Rich Hill. For two years she has been a great sufferer, but was always brave and cheerful. The whole community sympathizes with the children, who are held in the highest esteem. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, from the Park Ave. M.E. Church, Rev. J. H. Cleaves officiating.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Campbell Family
This lengthy blog is the beginning of a two part blog the rest of the information I will post tomorrow night.
From the first time that I picked up the book "The Town that coal Built" I found it very interesting that almost all the information about coal miners came from a student interview by Steven Campbell Jr.
Nevertheless I developed a burning desire to find out more about who he was and just why did he have so much information about the coal mines. While searching for information I recieved the following information from Vicki Barge who happens to be related to the Campbells.
Thank You ,Vicki
Consequently, I now understand why Steven Campbell was an expert on coal minning as his family was one of the few families that kept living in this area after the coal mines disappeared.
There are five articles including obituaries and anniversery articles on tonights blog.
The Rich Hill Mining Review
Thursday February 24, 1949
Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Campbell, Sr., and Mrs. and Mrs. Willard L. Mudd were married in a double wedding (ring ceremony) at the home of Mrs. Campbell’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Medley, 3 ½ miles south of Rich Hill, Mo., February 20, 1895. Mrs. Campbell was Nettie Medley at that time and Mrs. Mudd, Kate Campbell, was the youngest sister of Mr. Campbell.
Mr. Campbell came to Rich Hill in the early days of coal mining in the Rich Hill field, and Miss Campbell came also to attend school and lived among her four sisters, who were residents of this city.
At school she met Willard Mudd, a schoolmate and who lived here at that time with his parents, and brothers and sisters. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mudd are the parents of two daughters; five grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. Mrs. and Mrs. Mudd are at their home in Warrensburg, Mo on Gay Street.
Mrs. Campbell came with her parents from near Moline, Kas. with a caravan of covered wagons in 1880. Among the caravan were the late Phillip Hammond and family, who lived here with his family many years, as did Jim Ashby and family, parents of Mrs. Ted Engels, another family all long since passed on were the Dawsons and others. Dr. W.H. Allen was a young physician at that time and lived with his father Mayor Allen north of Rich Hill.
Mr. Medley became acquainted with the late Elias Falor, who operated a flour mill east of the new Missouri Pacific Railroad here on Maple street. Mr. Medley sold his little home among the first houses built in this town located on Maple Street, and moved to the Falor farm and fed Texas cattle for Mr. Falor and his son, the late Charles Falor. The public school house, known as Mound Valley, where Nettie Medley attended year after year having as teachers the late Miss Etta Stewart, John P. Thurman, then a very young man, at that time, also Miss Rachel Crabb. Another beloved teacher was that of our dear friend Mrs. Edith Falor, who decided to give up the profession, leave us and become the bride of the ever thoughtful friend of Mr. Medley and his family who lived on Falor’s farm at that time.
One night after the No.8 colony of coal miners and their families had established a new small town or “camp” at Panama, known as No. 8, the citizens met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louie Brown. Mr. Brown by the way was a brother of Mrs. Henry Christman Sr., of this city. However, at this meeting for the purpose of erecting some kind of place for church worship.
Mr. Campbell and Miss Medley met and the following year, 1895, married at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Medley.
Mr. and Mrs. S.R. Campbell have three daughters and one son; three grandchildren. They will quietly spend Sunday Feb 20 at their home, 1420 East Maple and hope to have Mr. and Mrs. Steve Campbell Jr., and daughter, Carolyn, also Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Moore of Butler as guests for the day to celebrate the 54th anniversary.
Rich Hill Mining Review
Thurday, December 22, 1949
Stephen R. Campbell
Stephen R. Campbell, son of Priscilla Grace and James A. Campbell was born in Howard County, Missouri, August 22, 1864 and was 85 years, 4 months, 23 days of age at the time of death. He came to Rich Hill when he was 20 years of age and engaged in coal mining and was mine foreman and superintendent until 1940, when he retired. He was a member of a family of fourteen children, and all preceded him in death, but two, Mrs. Willard Mudd of Warrensburg, Mo and Casey Campbell of Clinton, Mo.
In 1895 he was married to Nettie Medley. To this union six children were born, four survive; Stephen R. Campbell, Jr., Rich Hill, Mrs. Emily Brasseur, Henryetta, Oklahoma, Mrs. Georgia Moore, Butler, Mo., Mrs. B.F. Jackson, Georgetown, Texas, also three grandchildren, Carolyn Campbell, Steve and Richard Jackson.
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell celebrated their Golden Wedding anniversary in 1944 and have spent most of their married life in Rich Hill, MO. Mr. Campbell was a devoted husband and father.
Mr. Campbell’s parents baptized him in the Methodist church in infancy. He was a great friend to the church, and his home was always open to ministers. He leaves a great host of friends to mourn his passing.
Rich Hill Mining Review - Friday Dec 23, 1949
Steve R. Campbell, one of the older citizens of Rich Hill, passed away at his home on East Maple Street, Wednesday afternoon, December 14, 1949. He had reached the advanced age of 85 years and six months. Mr. Campbell was a coal miner in his earlier years. He lived here in the boom days of the town when the coal mines were running full blast. He always stood very high with the miners and also the townspeople. He was a good citizen. Any time the town wanted to do anything worth while you could count on Mr. Campbell doing his part. After the mines played out he has been doing some farming.
He lived a short time in Henrietta, OK, but was never satisfied until he got back to his old home town of Rich Hill. In 1895 he was married to Nettie Medley. To this union six children were born, four survive: Stephen R. Campbell, Jr., Rich Hill, Mrs. Emily Brasseur, Henryetta, OK, Mrs. Georgia Moore, Butler, Mrs. B.F. Jackson, Georgetown, Texas; also three grandchildren, Carolyn Campbell, Steve and Richard Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell celebrated their Golden Wedding anniversary in 1944 and have spent most of their married life in Rich Hill. Mr. Campbell was a devoted husband and father. Funeral services were held in the Methodist Church, Friday afternoon, conducted by Rev. T. H. Norris.
Rich Hill Mining Review - Thursday Aug 10, 1961
Mrs. Annetta (Nettie) Campbell, a resident of Rich Hill many years, died last Thursday in the Tate Nursing Home in Nevada, after an illness of three months. Mrs. Campbell, a daughter of George and Catherine Medley was born in Moline, KS, July 18, 1872. She passed away August 10, 1961 at the age of 89 years and 25 days. She had been a resident of Rich Hill more than 70 years. In 1895 she was united in marriage to Steve Campbell, who preceded her in death. She was a member of the Methodist church and Royal Neighbor lodge. Surviving are one son Steve Campbell, Rich Hill; three daughters, Mrs. Emily Brasseur, Henryetta, OK; and Mrs. Elsie Jackson, Nashville, TN; one sister, Mrs. Charles Smith, Branson, MO and two brothers, Charles Medley and Edward Medley; also three grandchildren. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon, August 13, at 2 o'clock in the Methodist church conducted by Rev. Paul Rundall. Burial was made in Green Lawn Cemetery. Pallbearers were James Clarkston, Russell Blakely, Henry Stevener, Jeff O'Neal, Marion Ellis and Wm. Ashley.
Rich Hill Mining Review June 1976
Stephen R. Campbell, 78 passed away at the Nevada City Hospital Monday evening, June 28, 1976. He was the son of Stephen R. Campbell, Sr. and Annetta Medley. While born in Arkansas, Mr. Campbell was raised in Rich Hill and attended Rich Hill Schools. He was preceded in death by his wife, Edna, in January of 1972. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Carolyn Clark, St. Joseph, MO and two granddaughters, Allyson and Alicia Clark, St. Joseph, MO and three sisters, Mrs. Georgia Moore, Butler, Mrs. Emily Brassur, Henryetta, OK and Mrs. Elsie Jackson, Georgetown, Texas. Funeral services will be Thursday at 2 pm at the Methodist Church with burial at Green Lawn Cemetery.
From the first time that I picked up the book "The Town that coal Built" I found it very interesting that almost all the information about coal miners came from a student interview by Steven Campbell Jr.
Nevertheless I developed a burning desire to find out more about who he was and just why did he have so much information about the coal mines. While searching for information I recieved the following information from Vicki Barge who happens to be related to the Campbells.
Thank You ,Vicki
Consequently, I now understand why Steven Campbell was an expert on coal minning as his family was one of the few families that kept living in this area after the coal mines disappeared.
There are five articles including obituaries and anniversery articles on tonights blog.
The Rich Hill Mining Review
Thursday February 24, 1949
Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Campbell, Sr., and Mrs. and Mrs. Willard L. Mudd were married in a double wedding (ring ceremony) at the home of Mrs. Campbell’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Medley, 3 ½ miles south of Rich Hill, Mo., February 20, 1895. Mrs. Campbell was Nettie Medley at that time and Mrs. Mudd, Kate Campbell, was the youngest sister of Mr. Campbell.
Mr. Campbell came to Rich Hill in the early days of coal mining in the Rich Hill field, and Miss Campbell came also to attend school and lived among her four sisters, who were residents of this city.
At school she met Willard Mudd, a schoolmate and who lived here at that time with his parents, and brothers and sisters. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mudd are the parents of two daughters; five grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. Mrs. and Mrs. Mudd are at their home in Warrensburg, Mo on Gay Street.
Mrs. Campbell came with her parents from near Moline, Kas. with a caravan of covered wagons in 1880. Among the caravan were the late Phillip Hammond and family, who lived here with his family many years, as did Jim Ashby and family, parents of Mrs. Ted Engels, another family all long since passed on were the Dawsons and others. Dr. W.H. Allen was a young physician at that time and lived with his father Mayor Allen north of Rich Hill.
Mr. Medley became acquainted with the late Elias Falor, who operated a flour mill east of the new Missouri Pacific Railroad here on Maple street. Mr. Medley sold his little home among the first houses built in this town located on Maple Street, and moved to the Falor farm and fed Texas cattle for Mr. Falor and his son, the late Charles Falor. The public school house, known as Mound Valley, where Nettie Medley attended year after year having as teachers the late Miss Etta Stewart, John P. Thurman, then a very young man, at that time, also Miss Rachel Crabb. Another beloved teacher was that of our dear friend Mrs. Edith Falor, who decided to give up the profession, leave us and become the bride of the ever thoughtful friend of Mr. Medley and his family who lived on Falor’s farm at that time.
One night after the No.8 colony of coal miners and their families had established a new small town or “camp” at Panama, known as No. 8, the citizens met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louie Brown. Mr. Brown by the way was a brother of Mrs. Henry Christman Sr., of this city. However, at this meeting for the purpose of erecting some kind of place for church worship.
Mr. Campbell and Miss Medley met and the following year, 1895, married at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Medley.
Mr. and Mrs. S.R. Campbell have three daughters and one son; three grandchildren. They will quietly spend Sunday Feb 20 at their home, 1420 East Maple and hope to have Mr. and Mrs. Steve Campbell Jr., and daughter, Carolyn, also Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Moore of Butler as guests for the day to celebrate the 54th anniversary.
Rich Hill Mining Review
Thurday, December 22, 1949
Stephen R. Campbell
Stephen R. Campbell, son of Priscilla Grace and James A. Campbell was born in Howard County, Missouri, August 22, 1864 and was 85 years, 4 months, 23 days of age at the time of death. He came to Rich Hill when he was 20 years of age and engaged in coal mining and was mine foreman and superintendent until 1940, when he retired. He was a member of a family of fourteen children, and all preceded him in death, but two, Mrs. Willard Mudd of Warrensburg, Mo and Casey Campbell of Clinton, Mo.
In 1895 he was married to Nettie Medley. To this union six children were born, four survive; Stephen R. Campbell, Jr., Rich Hill, Mrs. Emily Brasseur, Henryetta, Oklahoma, Mrs. Georgia Moore, Butler, Mo., Mrs. B.F. Jackson, Georgetown, Texas, also three grandchildren, Carolyn Campbell, Steve and Richard Jackson.
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell celebrated their Golden Wedding anniversary in 1944 and have spent most of their married life in Rich Hill, MO. Mr. Campbell was a devoted husband and father.
Mr. Campbell’s parents baptized him in the Methodist church in infancy. He was a great friend to the church, and his home was always open to ministers. He leaves a great host of friends to mourn his passing.
Rich Hill Mining Review - Friday Dec 23, 1949
Steve R. Campbell, one of the older citizens of Rich Hill, passed away at his home on East Maple Street, Wednesday afternoon, December 14, 1949. He had reached the advanced age of 85 years and six months. Mr. Campbell was a coal miner in his earlier years. He lived here in the boom days of the town when the coal mines were running full blast. He always stood very high with the miners and also the townspeople. He was a good citizen. Any time the town wanted to do anything worth while you could count on Mr. Campbell doing his part. After the mines played out he has been doing some farming.
He lived a short time in Henrietta, OK, but was never satisfied until he got back to his old home town of Rich Hill. In 1895 he was married to Nettie Medley. To this union six children were born, four survive: Stephen R. Campbell, Jr., Rich Hill, Mrs. Emily Brasseur, Henryetta, OK, Mrs. Georgia Moore, Butler, Mrs. B.F. Jackson, Georgetown, Texas; also three grandchildren, Carolyn Campbell, Steve and Richard Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell celebrated their Golden Wedding anniversary in 1944 and have spent most of their married life in Rich Hill. Mr. Campbell was a devoted husband and father. Funeral services were held in the Methodist Church, Friday afternoon, conducted by Rev. T. H. Norris.
Rich Hill Mining Review - Thursday Aug 10, 1961
Mrs. Annetta (Nettie) Campbell, a resident of Rich Hill many years, died last Thursday in the Tate Nursing Home in Nevada, after an illness of three months. Mrs. Campbell, a daughter of George and Catherine Medley was born in Moline, KS, July 18, 1872. She passed away August 10, 1961 at the age of 89 years and 25 days. She had been a resident of Rich Hill more than 70 years. In 1895 she was united in marriage to Steve Campbell, who preceded her in death. She was a member of the Methodist church and Royal Neighbor lodge. Surviving are one son Steve Campbell, Rich Hill; three daughters, Mrs. Emily Brasseur, Henryetta, OK; and Mrs. Elsie Jackson, Nashville, TN; one sister, Mrs. Charles Smith, Branson, MO and two brothers, Charles Medley and Edward Medley; also three grandchildren. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon, August 13, at 2 o'clock in the Methodist church conducted by Rev. Paul Rundall. Burial was made in Green Lawn Cemetery. Pallbearers were James Clarkston, Russell Blakely, Henry Stevener, Jeff O'Neal, Marion Ellis and Wm. Ashley.
Rich Hill Mining Review June 1976
Stephen R. Campbell, 78 passed away at the Nevada City Hospital Monday evening, June 28, 1976. He was the son of Stephen R. Campbell, Sr. and Annetta Medley. While born in Arkansas, Mr. Campbell was raised in Rich Hill and attended Rich Hill Schools. He was preceded in death by his wife, Edna, in January of 1972. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Carolyn Clark, St. Joseph, MO and two granddaughters, Allyson and Alicia Clark, St. Joseph, MO and three sisters, Mrs. Georgia Moore, Butler, Mrs. Emily Brassur, Henryetta, OK and Mrs. Elsie Jackson, Georgetown, Texas. Funeral services will be Thursday at 2 pm at the Methodist Church with burial at Green Lawn Cemetery.
Monday, February 16, 2009
George B. Dowell
Tonight's blog is on former Mayor George Benjamin Dowell. While researching former mayors Mr. Dowell's history was quite interesting to me. He became mayor after Dr. Cromwell died suddenly. he was also mayor at the 50 year celebration and it appears that he worked very hard to make the celebration a great event. I also found an article where he was concerned about the future of Rich Hill.
The information for this blog was found in the April 1953, Mining Review.

The information for this blog was found in the April 1953, Mining Review.

George B. Dowell a former newspaper man, school teacher and mayor of this city, passed-away in a rest home in Butler, Friday night after a long illness.
George Benjamin, son of John E. and Mary Mollie Dowell was born in Hardy, North Dakota Territory, July 13, 1886 and passed away April 3, 1953 at the age 66 years, 6 months and 20 days.
Mr. Dowell came to Missouri with his parents in 1890 and for a number of years was associated with his father and his brother, the late John E. Dowell, Jr., who published the Adrian Journal. In 1907, he came to Rich Hill as editor of the Tribune. In 1909 he went to Warsaw, Mo. where he was editor of the Times for three years. He returned to Adrian where he taught school until 1915 when he went to Hecla, South Dakota, as superintendent of the school of that place. In 1916 he returned to Rich Hill and became associated with the Beasley clothing company store. Mr. Dowell was a former Mayor of Rich Hill. He also served as alderman of the City. He was active in the Masonic lodge, being past worhshipul master. Mr. Dowell was also active in the Chamber of Commerce, Elks lodge and was a charter member of the Lions Club.In 1943 Mr. Dowell went to Jefferson City as editor of Missouri School, a publication of the State Department of Education. He held that position until 1947, when his failing heath forced him to retire. Mr. Dowell was originator of the Woodpecker Club stories which appeared in several Missouri Newspapers. Mr. dowell was twice married in 1910 at Rich Hill to Miss Allen Beasley and in 1937 to Mrs. Lois Delmater Insley, who passed away in 1943. Surviving is one nephew, John Emery Dowell of Wasco, Calif.
Funeral services were held in the Booth Chapel Monday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock conducted by Rev. Bartey Schwegler, pastor of the Rich Hill Presbyterian Church.
Burial was made in Greenlawn Cemetery.
George Benjamin, son of John E. and Mary Mollie Dowell was born in Hardy, North Dakota Territory, July 13, 1886 and passed away April 3, 1953 at the age 66 years, 6 months and 20 days.
Mr. Dowell came to Missouri with his parents in 1890 and for a number of years was associated with his father and his brother, the late John E. Dowell, Jr., who published the Adrian Journal. In 1907, he came to Rich Hill as editor of the Tribune. In 1909 he went to Warsaw, Mo. where he was editor of the Times for three years. He returned to Adrian where he taught school until 1915 when he went to Hecla, South Dakota, as superintendent of the school of that place. In 1916 he returned to Rich Hill and became associated with the Beasley clothing company store. Mr. Dowell was a former Mayor of Rich Hill. He also served as alderman of the City. He was active in the Masonic lodge, being past worhshipul master. Mr. Dowell was also active in the Chamber of Commerce, Elks lodge and was a charter member of the Lions Club.In 1943 Mr. Dowell went to Jefferson City as editor of Missouri School, a publication of the State Department of Education. He held that position until 1947, when his failing heath forced him to retire. Mr. Dowell was originator of the Woodpecker Club stories which appeared in several Missouri Newspapers. Mr. dowell was twice married in 1910 at Rich Hill to Miss Allen Beasley and in 1937 to Mrs. Lois Delmater Insley, who passed away in 1943. Surviving is one nephew, John Emery Dowell of Wasco, Calif.
Funeral services were held in the Booth Chapel Monday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock conducted by Rev. Bartey Schwegler, pastor of the Rich Hill Presbyterian Church.
Burial was made in Greenlawn Cemetery.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Rich Hill's First Football Game
This blog is from the Rich Hill Review September 1926 issue.
Football has long been an attraction for Rich Hill Sports Fans. The following article is about the beginning of Rich Hill Football. Coach Argenbright had a rough but eventful first season.
First Game proves Rich Hill to be real Football Team
Nevada defeated the Rich Hill High School football team on the local field Friday, 12 to 6. This defeat is really enthusiastically received by the local rooters and school as a victory for its is the first football game Rich Hill ever played, and the first game that three-Fourths of the Rich Hill team ever saw. Coach Argenbright has certainly instilled a world of football knowledge into the local school boys in three weeks they have been working. Nevada is one of the oldest schools playing in this section and always one of the leading teams. To score against them and to hold them to two touchdowns is a good omen for the future team.
Football has long been an attraction for Rich Hill Sports Fans. The following article is about the beginning of Rich Hill Football. Coach Argenbright had a rough but eventful first season.

Nevada defeated the Rich Hill High School football team on the local field Friday, 12 to 6. This defeat is really enthusiastically received by the local rooters and school as a victory for its is the first football game Rich Hill ever played, and the first game that three-Fourths of the Rich Hill team ever saw. Coach Argenbright has certainly instilled a world of football knowledge into the local school boys in three weeks they have been working. Nevada is one of the oldest schools playing in this section and always one of the leading teams. To score against them and to hold them to two touchdowns is a good omen for the future team.
During this same season the team went on to play SBU a college team at Bolivar. Even though the team was skunked by Bolivar they were still very impressed with their performance.
Two years later the Rich Hill Football team wins the First Bates County Championship.
This was the very beginning of Rich Hill Football which is still played today at Rich Hill High School.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Rich Hill was once on horse racing circuit

The following blog was taken from the May 26, 1983 Rich Hill Mining Review Wagon Wheels insert. The picture came from the book the "Town that Coal Built"
Rich Hill was once on horse racing circuit
by Mary Griffin
For this first installment I shall give you one of the milder types of amuse-ment. In the next installment I shall giveyou some of the rough stuff as well as some of the more cultural events.
At one time horse racing was an important event in Rich Hill. Great enthusiasm was shown by both participants and spectators. Horsemen traveled for many miles to participate in races and win the big money.
In 1893-94 an association of towns formed the Blue Ribbon Circuit. They purchased a forty acre tract of land at the north east suburb of Rich Hill. This plot of land became the Rich Hill Fair Ground. Several buildings, pens, stalls and shelters were constructed to be used for pigs, poultry, horses and cows.
A one-half mile oval track was built to be used for races. Actually this track
was one of the best in the entire state. Many races were held featuring some of the best race stock in Missouri, Illinois, Iowa and Kansas. There was a family named Spencer who lived at the Northeast corner of town. At one time the East (Prospect) Park was a part of Spencer land. Mr. Spencer bred, trained and sold race horses. His best known race horse was Grat. This great stallion set a world record of two minutes and two seconds. Grat ran and won the big money in Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo, Hartford, Providence and twice at Boston and Lexington, Kentucky.
These races generated much enthusiasm and furnished entertainment for many people. Other Rich Hill people had good race horses. Mr. William Colton had a race horse named Blondie Redwood that set a record of two minutes, eight seconds at Sedalia.
A tornado came through Rich Hill in the summer of 1898 and destroyed many of the buildings and shelters at the fair ground. There were twenty-five horses in training, but none were harmed. Repairs were quickly made and the races continued for a while. However, the Blue Ribbon Circuit disbanded in a short time and for a while Rich Hill had no fair.
By 1901 there was a renewed interest in racing, and Rich Hill became a part of the Short Shipment Racing Circuit of Southwest Missouri. Many of the races were held in connection with fairs. In 1901 the program scheduled eight weeks of continuous racing with $29,000 in stakes.
The races started in Quincy, Illinois, July 23-26, on to Columbia, Missouri, July 30 - August 2; followed by Holden fair, August 6-9; Harrisonville, August 13-16; Rich Hill Fair, August 20-23; Nevada Driving Club, August 27-30; Higginsville September 3-6; Sedalia State Fair, September 9-14.
At one time horse racing was an important event in Rich Hill. Great enthusiasm was shown by both participants and spectators. Horsemen traveled for many miles to participate in races and win the big money.
In 1893-94 an association of towns formed the Blue Ribbon Circuit. They purchased a forty acre tract of land at the north east suburb of Rich Hill. This plot of land became the Rich Hill Fair Ground. Several buildings, pens, stalls and shelters were constructed to be used for pigs, poultry, horses and cows.
A one-half mile oval track was built to be used for races. Actually this track
was one of the best in the entire state. Many races were held featuring some of the best race stock in Missouri, Illinois, Iowa and Kansas. There was a family named Spencer who lived at the Northeast corner of town. At one time the East (Prospect) Park was a part of Spencer land. Mr. Spencer bred, trained and sold race horses. His best known race horse was Grat. This great stallion set a world record of two minutes and two seconds. Grat ran and won the big money in Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo, Hartford, Providence and twice at Boston and Lexington, Kentucky.
These races generated much enthusiasm and furnished entertainment for many people. Other Rich Hill people had good race horses. Mr. William Colton had a race horse named Blondie Redwood that set a record of two minutes, eight seconds at Sedalia.
A tornado came through Rich Hill in the summer of 1898 and destroyed many of the buildings and shelters at the fair ground. There were twenty-five horses in training, but none were harmed. Repairs were quickly made and the races continued for a while. However, the Blue Ribbon Circuit disbanded in a short time and for a while Rich Hill had no fair.
By 1901 there was a renewed interest in racing, and Rich Hill became a part of the Short Shipment Racing Circuit of Southwest Missouri. Many of the races were held in connection with fairs. In 1901 the program scheduled eight weeks of continuous racing with $29,000 in stakes.
The races started in Quincy, Illinois, July 23-26, on to Columbia, Missouri, July 30 - August 2; followed by Holden fair, August 6-9; Harrisonville, August 13-16; Rich Hill Fair, August 20-23; Nevada Driving Club, August 27-30; Higginsville September 3-6; Sedalia State Fair, September 9-14.
Stakes were closed on June 15, 1901 and all horses had to be named and two percent paid. There was a special entry privilege providing that if the full entry fee of five percent were made at the time the entry was made, the nominator was allowed to enter two horses in one class or one horse in two classes.
A horse could win only one money in a race.
Stake race money was divided 50, 25, 15 and 10 percent.
An entrance fee of 5% of the purse, was charged; 2% to be paid at the time of entry and the other 3% on the first day of the race. An additional 5% of the stake was to be deducted from all money winners.
In addition to a stake race there was to be a Running Race with the following program:
1. Pony Race, fifteen hands and under, half mile dash $25.00
2. Running Race, half mile heats $75
3. Running Race, four and one half furlong dash - $50.00
4. Running Race, half mile heats $100.00
5. Running Race, five eights dash - $50
6. Running Race, Consolation four andone half furlong dash - $50.00
Entry fee, 10% of the purse. Entries closed at 8:00 p.m. the day before the race.
Money as to be divided 60%, 25% and 15%.
American Racing Rules governed unless otherwise specified. A horse distancing the field or having a walk over was to be entitled to first money only.
A horse could win only one money in a race.
Stake race money was divided 50, 25, 15 and 10 percent.
An entrance fee of 5% of the purse, was charged; 2% to be paid at the time of entry and the other 3% on the first day of the race. An additional 5% of the stake was to be deducted from all money winners.
In addition to a stake race there was to be a Running Race with the following program:
1. Pony Race, fifteen hands and under, half mile dash $25.00
2. Running Race, half mile heats $75
3. Running Race, four and one half furlong dash - $50.00
4. Running Race, half mile heats $100.00
5. Running Race, five eights dash - $50
6. Running Race, Consolation four andone half furlong dash - $50.00
Entry fee, 10% of the purse. Entries closed at 8:00 p.m. the day before the race.
Money as to be divided 60%, 25% and 15%.
American Racing Rules governed unless otherwise specified. A horse distancing the field or having a walk over was to be entitled to first money only.
Jockeys had to weigh twenty minutes before the time set for the race in which they were to ride. When two or more horses were entered by the same owner, all or none must start. There had to be five to enter and three to start in every race. All horses entered had to start unless declared out by 10:00 a.m. the day of the race. The first bell called the horses to saddle and the second bell, five minutes later, called horses to post.
Owners, trainers, jockeys others who took care of the horses were to send the horses out on time or would be subject to fine.
To many people the races were the big drawing card for fairs, but there were also other events of interest. The great variety of canned food, jellies, cakes, breads and displays of crochet, hand made quilts, embroidery and many kinds of hand work were of special interest to women.
Prizes were given for the largest watermelon, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, corn, cucumbers, squash, pumpkin and a variety of other garden produce. A blue ribbon was the pride of a display.
To many people the races were the big drawing card for fairs, but there were also other events of interest. The great variety of canned food, jellies, cakes, breads and displays of crochet, hand made quilts, embroidery and many kinds of hand work were of special interest to women.
Prizes were given for the largest watermelon, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, corn, cucumbers, squash, pumpkin and a variety of other garden produce. A blue ribbon was the pride of a display.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Rich Hill Ads
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The Bathrooms Uptown
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Construction of the Marais Des Cygnes drainage ditch
This article was written by Mary Griffin came from the Jan. 31, 1985 Wagon Wheels insert in the Rich Hill Mining Review.

The land between the Osage and the Marais Des Cygnes River is an area of rich black soil. This land has long been subject to overflow making it more fertile but causing the land owners heavy crop losses.
Early in the history of Bates County the land had been given to the county by the state for reclamation. Numerous plans were presented, but until 1906 nothing feasible had been offered. State laws had been passed for the owner's of these lands to form drainage districts and assess the lands for improvements that would have to be approved by the county court.
In 1906 a petition was presented to the landowners for the purpose of forming such a district. The petition was signed by the owners of a large percent of the land. The petition was presented to the Bates County Court consisting of J. W. McFadden, presiding judge and associate justices P. A. Bruce and John Armstrong.
The court then appointed A. H. Bell of Bloomington, Illinois, an experienced drainage engineer. Cyrus Requa, Charles Van Benthusen and Robert Johnson were appointed as a preliminary board of viewers. It was their duty to go over the route of the proposed plan and report on how practical the plan would be.
The plan provided for digging a new straight channel of the river starting at Marvel Bridge and running to a mile below Belvoir Ferry. The channel would be cut straight for a distance of twenty-five miles while the river the same distance flowed seventy-three miles.
Politics entered into the picture and owners of twenty-five percent of the land representing a large majority of owners got a remonstrance and had Johnson to bring in a minority adverse report. The other three brought in a favorable report to the court. The remonstrance was signed by two-hundred thirty land owners while the petitioners had only seventy-five signatures.
The remonstrators held meetings and tried to influence the court to deny the petition. The McFadden court decided in favor of the plan over the large opposition.
The court next appointed a permanent board of viewers and an engineer. The members of their board were A. H. Bell, engineer, J. J. March, J. W. Bard, and Estes Smith as permanent viewers.
The duty of this board was to go over the land, locate improvements, classify each tract of land for benefits, estimate the entire cost of the work, assess each tract of land a sufficient sum to pay for the cost of work in proportion to classification. The work took five months to complete at an estimated cost of $386,000. Lands receiving 100% of the benefits were assessed $10.93 per acre.
The court held a hearing for objections to classification then the court took eight days to go over the objections 10 classifications. Slight changes were made which reduced the cost about $8000.
Next a day was set to receive bids for the work. Contractors from several states submitted bids. Timothy Faahey and Sons were given the bid for the entire work for .08 per cubic yard. The money was to come from the sale of bonds issued against the assessments. $370,000 worth of bonds were advertised for sale.
The bonds were sold subject to the approval of Wood and Oakley attorneys of Chicago. Judge Wood required consent of the Missouri Pacific Railroad to cross its tracks before he would
approve the proceedings. This required careful negotiations. The railroad company had been assessed $15,000 for benefits. Judge Wood required that the assessment against the railroad company be cancelled by court decree.
Soon after the cancellation, the contractors began moving in the machinery. The work was all done by floating dredges. Five dredges worked at one time, two of them were considered large with two and one-half cubic yard buckets.
The construction work was all completed by 1909 except the rock work at the lower end of the channel. The contractors sub-let the rock work to A. V. Wills and Sons. Litigation followed, and the county court re-let the rock work.
Rainy weather followed, and the land owners found that the ditch did not have sufficient depth to carry the flood waters. Once again the necessary preceedings went through the county court and $171,000 was raised to dig the ditch ten feet deeper. Four big bends were cut into the old channel. The work was completed in 1911. There were 41,000 acres in this drainage district.
This information came from an account given by W. 0. Atkeson in the Bates County History 1918.
Jessie Anderson told me that she remembered how the young people walked to the work site on Sunday afternoon. She said that some of the work crew lived in a house boat. A houseboat was something new to Papinville and all wanted to see inside. Some of the workers boarded with Mrs. Finley.
George and Grace Craig said they remembered how people came from miles around to see the big dredges at work. George said these dredges were not large at all compared to the steam shovels that came later

The land between the Osage and the Marais Des Cygnes River is an area of rich black soil. This land has long been subject to overflow making it more fertile but causing the land owners heavy crop losses.
Early in the history of Bates County the land had been given to the county by the state for reclamation. Numerous plans were presented, but until 1906 nothing feasible had been offered. State laws had been passed for the owner's of these lands to form drainage districts and assess the lands for improvements that would have to be approved by the county court.
In 1906 a petition was presented to the landowners for the purpose of forming such a district. The petition was signed by the owners of a large percent of the land. The petition was presented to the Bates County Court consisting of J. W. McFadden, presiding judge and associate justices P. A. Bruce and John Armstrong.
The court then appointed A. H. Bell of Bloomington, Illinois, an experienced drainage engineer. Cyrus Requa, Charles Van Benthusen and Robert Johnson were appointed as a preliminary board of viewers. It was their duty to go over the route of the proposed plan and report on how practical the plan would be.
The plan provided for digging a new straight channel of the river starting at Marvel Bridge and running to a mile below Belvoir Ferry. The channel would be cut straight for a distance of twenty-five miles while the river the same distance flowed seventy-three miles.
Politics entered into the picture and owners of twenty-five percent of the land representing a large majority of owners got a remonstrance and had Johnson to bring in a minority adverse report. The other three brought in a favorable report to the court. The remonstrance was signed by two-hundred thirty land owners while the petitioners had only seventy-five signatures.
The remonstrators held meetings and tried to influence the court to deny the petition. The McFadden court decided in favor of the plan over the large opposition.
The court next appointed a permanent board of viewers and an engineer. The members of their board were A. H. Bell, engineer, J. J. March, J. W. Bard, and Estes Smith as permanent viewers.
The duty of this board was to go over the land, locate improvements, classify each tract of land for benefits, estimate the entire cost of the work, assess each tract of land a sufficient sum to pay for the cost of work in proportion to classification. The work took five months to complete at an estimated cost of $386,000. Lands receiving 100% of the benefits were assessed $10.93 per acre.
The court held a hearing for objections to classification then the court took eight days to go over the objections 10 classifications. Slight changes were made which reduced the cost about $8000.
Next a day was set to receive bids for the work. Contractors from several states submitted bids. Timothy Faahey and Sons were given the bid for the entire work for .08 per cubic yard. The money was to come from the sale of bonds issued against the assessments. $370,000 worth of bonds were advertised for sale.
The bonds were sold subject to the approval of Wood and Oakley attorneys of Chicago. Judge Wood required consent of the Missouri Pacific Railroad to cross its tracks before he would
approve the proceedings. This required careful negotiations. The railroad company had been assessed $15,000 for benefits. Judge Wood required that the assessment against the railroad company be cancelled by court decree.
Soon after the cancellation, the contractors began moving in the machinery. The work was all done by floating dredges. Five dredges worked at one time, two of them were considered large with two and one-half cubic yard buckets.
The construction work was all completed by 1909 except the rock work at the lower end of the channel. The contractors sub-let the rock work to A. V. Wills and Sons. Litigation followed, and the county court re-let the rock work.
Rainy weather followed, and the land owners found that the ditch did not have sufficient depth to carry the flood waters. Once again the necessary preceedings went through the county court and $171,000 was raised to dig the ditch ten feet deeper. Four big bends were cut into the old channel. The work was completed in 1911. There were 41,000 acres in this drainage district.
This information came from an account given by W. 0. Atkeson in the Bates County History 1918.
Jessie Anderson told me that she remembered how the young people walked to the work site on Sunday afternoon. She said that some of the work crew lived in a house boat. A houseboat was something new to Papinville and all wanted to see inside. Some of the workers boarded with Mrs. Finley.
George and Grace Craig said they remembered how people came from miles around to see the big dredges at work. George said these dredges were not large at all compared to the steam shovels that came later
Monday, February 9, 2009
Last sibling of the Harry McClaughry family.
Tonights blog is a little personal my Aunt Suzann New passed away Thursday evening. She was the last sibling of the Harry McClaughry family.
The Harry McClaughry family moved to Missouri in 1947 from Wichita Kansas. The family settled on a small farm between Rich Hill and Hume Missouri. Eventhough they went to school at Hume, I heard many Rich Hill stories from the 1950's and 1960's.
The Big Tall Guy is my Dad Kenneth McClaughry,next is Aunt Sue,the girl in glass is Aunt Bea,the women in the middle Clarice Fry McClaughry,and last is Harry McClaughry
Suzann Louise New, 64, of Spring Hill, passed away February 5, 2009, at Olathe Medical Center. Funeral services will be 7 p.m., Tuesday, February 10, 2009, at Bruce Funeral Home, 712 S Webster, Spring Hill, Kan., 913-592-2244. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society. Visitation will begin at 5 p.m., before the service at the funeral home. Inurnment will follow a later date. Condolences may be sent to www.brucefuneralhome.com
Suzann was born September 23, 1944, in Wichita, Kan., to Harry Clemmens and Clarice Emma Fry McClaughry. She graduated from Hume, Mo., High School. She married Charles K. “Charlie” New on August 10, 1962, in Miami, Okla. She lived in Kansas City, Mo., and Gardner and finally settled in Spring Hill. Suzann retired in 2008, from her position as head cashier for Lowe’s in Olathe. She was a member of the American Legion Auxiliary in Spring Hill and the Methodist Church in Hume, Mo. She enjoyed crafts and going camping. Suzann loved her grandkids and great grandkids dearly. She will be dearly missed.
The Harry McClaughry family moved to Missouri in 1947 from Wichita Kansas. The family settled on a small farm between Rich Hill and Hume Missouri. Eventhough they went to school at Hume, I heard many Rich Hill stories from the 1950's and 1960's.

Suzann Louise New, 64, of Spring Hill, passed away February 5, 2009, at Olathe Medical Center. Funeral services will be 7 p.m., Tuesday, February 10, 2009, at Bruce Funeral Home, 712 S Webster, Spring Hill, Kan., 913-592-2244. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society. Visitation will begin at 5 p.m., before the service at the funeral home. Inurnment will follow a later date. Condolences may be sent to www.brucefuneralhome.com
Suzann was born September 23, 1944, in Wichita, Kan., to Harry Clemmens and Clarice Emma Fry McClaughry. She graduated from Hume, Mo., High School. She married Charles K. “Charlie” New on August 10, 1962, in Miami, Okla. She lived in Kansas City, Mo., and Gardner and finally settled in Spring Hill. Suzann retired in 2008, from her position as head cashier for Lowe’s in Olathe. She was a member of the American Legion Auxiliary in Spring Hill and the Methodist Church in Hume, Mo. She enjoyed crafts and going camping. Suzann loved her grandkids and great grandkids dearly. She will be dearly missed.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Large Group At CB Chili Supper
After recently seeing a group of Christians voluntarily helping clean up the fallen buildings in downtown Rich Hill.
I began to think back in time when the citizens of Rich Hill were activily participating in the Community Betterment Program.
The following blog was taken from the Community Betterment book at the Rich hill Memorial Library. I found the following picture and article which were printed in the Rich Hill Mining Review December 21, 1967.

I began to think back in time when the citizens of Rich Hill were activily participating in the Community Betterment Program.
The following blog was taken from the Community Betterment book at the Rich hill Memorial Library. I found the following picture and article which were printed in the Rich Hill Mining Review December 21, 1967.

More than 100 persons gathered in the Rich Hill High school lunch room Thursday evening, Dec. 14, to attend a meeting of the Community Betterment club and enjoy a supper of chili, pie and coffee.
The tables were decorated with baskets of evergreen and Christmas flowers and candles.
The meeting was opened by chairman Bill Perkey who announced that Mr. Lee DeAtley, of Jefferson City, Mo.who was scheduled to be the main speaker, was unable to be here because of the ice conditions of the highways. In a telephone call Mr. DeAtley stated that he had contacted the Missouri State Highway Patrol and they had advised him not to make the trip as the highways were hazardous, especially in the area surrounding Jefferson City. Mr. Perkey introduced Mr. Samuel P. Marshall, Butler, Mo. from the Missouri University, Columbia, Mo. who is area extension agent for the community planning and the advantages to a city.
Following Mr. Marshall's talk, Mr. Perkey gave a report of the progress made so far by the Community Betterment in Rich Hill. His report was very gratifying.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Helping Christians help Clean-up
In December 2008, one of my first blogs was about the collasping buildings in downtown Rich Hill, Mo. Here is a link to the earlier blog.
This blog is of the buildings in downtown Rich Hill, that were destroyed by high winds in December 2008.
The following pictures show todays volunteer clean-up by a group of Community Christians. The volunteer Christian clean-up group started this morning about 10:00 A.M. The leader of the volunteer group was "local Richhillian" Guy Nelson.

The above picture shows some of the vehicles that were donated to help with removal of the fallen debri. A dump truck and tractor were donated by Jimmy Greir and the other truck was donated by Clay Lyons.
Not pictured is a bobcat that was donated by David Terperning.
The above picture shows a truck dumping a load of bricks from the downtown buildings.
This blog is of the buildings in downtown Rich Hill, that were destroyed by high winds in December 2008.
The following pictures show todays volunteer clean-up by a group of Community Christians. The volunteer Christian clean-up group started this morning about 10:00 A.M. The leader of the volunteer group was "local Richhillian" Guy Nelson.
Not pictured is a bobcat that was donated by David Terperning.
Lunch for the hungry Christian volunteer clean-up group was served sandwiches by Mr. Terpening's mom.
The group worked very hard to clean the metal, and other foreign debri away from the bricks before hauling them to the Dump.
There were six loads of debri from the fallen buildings removed to the Rich Hill City Dump.
There were six loads of debri from the fallen buildings removed to the Rich Hill City Dump.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Train wreck,Rich Hill, MO
RICH HILL, MO., Sept. 22. - Owing to a defective frog a fearful wreck occurred on the Rich Hill and Joplin branch of the Missouri Pacific Railway about two miles north of here at 3:20 this afternoon. Two coaches of the regular passenger on its way north were thrown from the track, and after being hauled over the ends of ties and adjoining territory for a distance of from 200 to 300 yards were brought up against a freight train on a sidetrack and almost demolished.
Frank Deforest of St. Louis, general inspector of air brakes for the Missouri Pacific system, was killed outright, and several other persons more or less injured, but none seriously. Both passenger coaches and the freights will have to undergo extensive repairs before they are fit for use.
The St. Louis Republic, St. Louis, MO 23 Sept 1892
Frank Deforest of St. Louis, general inspector of air brakes for the Missouri Pacific system, was killed outright, and several other persons more or less injured, but none seriously. Both passenger coaches and the freights will have to undergo extensive repairs before they are fit for use.
The St. Louis Republic, St. Louis, MO 23 Sept 1892
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Cover of the Wagon Wheels April 7, 1983
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Plan for parks beat town off drawing board
When driving through Rich Hill on Walnut Street or A Highway you will pass two parks. This blog explains how Rich Hill developed along with the parks.
Rich Hill Missouri Grew around landscaping. this article was written by Don Bradley. The article was published on February 16, 1987 in the Kansas City Star.

Rich Hill Missouri Grew around landscaping. this article was written by Don Bradley. The article was published on February 16, 1987 in the Kansas City Star.

Rich Hill, Mo.-In the beginning, the town's parks had no trees. At first, in fact, the parks had no town.
Welcome to Rich Hill, a town of 1,600 residents in southern Bates County that was born with the discovery of coal in 1880.
Today, long after the last of the coal was taken from the mines, the heart of the town, a distinctive park and parkway system, still beats for a new generation of residents and a new economic reality.
When the rich veins of coal brought the town to life, a town company made up of railroad and coal businessmen was formed to prepare for the expected thousands of people the coal would soon attract.
But these leaders had a vision different from that of most town founders.
"It was a unique plan in that the parks would come first," said Mary Griffin, a Rich Hill historian and teacher in its school system for 38 years. "Usually the park would come later in a town's development. But this way, Rich Hill was allowed to grow around the parks."
The founders hired B.B. Singleton, a railroad surveyor, to plot the land for the new town and to make their vision real.
So Singleton walked out onto the grasslands of western Missouri, with nary a tree in sight, and laid out two parks: one round the other square. He then connected the two by plotting off a parkway.
The town would come later.
"What the founding fathers in Rich Hill did was to give the community some initial appeal," said Pete Loughlin, a landscape architect for the Kansas City Parks and Recreation Department. "The parks served as an anchor for the growth of the community."
About the same time, 75 miles to the north, newcomers to another city were greeted differently.'
Welcome to Rich Hill, a town of 1,600 residents in southern Bates County that was born with the discovery of coal in 1880.
Today, long after the last of the coal was taken from the mines, the heart of the town, a distinctive park and parkway system, still beats for a new generation of residents and a new economic reality.
When the rich veins of coal brought the town to life, a town company made up of railroad and coal businessmen was formed to prepare for the expected thousands of people the coal would soon attract.
But these leaders had a vision different from that of most town founders.
"It was a unique plan in that the parks would come first," said Mary Griffin, a Rich Hill historian and teacher in its school system for 38 years. "Usually the park would come later in a town's development. But this way, Rich Hill was allowed to grow around the parks."
The founders hired B.B. Singleton, a railroad surveyor, to plot the land for the new town and to make their vision real.
So Singleton walked out onto the grasslands of western Missouri, with nary a tree in sight, and laid out two parks: one round the other square. He then connected the two by plotting off a parkway.
The town would come later.
"What the founding fathers in Rich Hill did was to give the community some initial appeal," said Pete Loughlin, a landscape architect for the Kansas City Parks and Recreation Department. "The parks served as an anchor for the growth of the community."
About the same time, 75 miles to the north, newcomers to another city were greeted differently.'
"In Kansas City in the early days, people used to come to
town and the first thing they saw when they got off the train was the West Bottoms," Loughlin said. "Back then, that area was not a pretty sight. There were junk piles, and the bluffs were covered with clapboard shacks."
He said this prompted the city to hire George Kessler, a well-known landscape architect, to design such streets as the Paseo and Armour and Gladstone boulevards.
According to Griffin, the Rich Hill company's original vision was beautiful parks with exotic flower beds and the tree-lined parkway. The street system would radiate out from the parks and the parkway, called Park Avenue.
initially the plan had its problems.
The native grasses were cleared and replaced with blue-grass. Hundreds of soft maple trees were planted but later were replaced with native trees taken from the banks of the nearby Osage River.
But cattle and horses roamed freely about the town, trampling the foliage and discouraging visitors to the two parks, originally named Park Place and Prospect Park.
The solution: board fences to enclose the parks, with turnstiles at the entrances.
A short time later the fences and turnstiles came down, after the town passed an ordinance to keep the livestock off the streets.
Next came brick sidewalks through the center of each park and, a few years later, a bandstand in Park Place.
The population of Rich Hill peaked around 5,000 about the turn of the century. It was gaining a reputation as a "fast town," with saloons and dance halls lining Park Avenue to cater to the miners.
"You had to be pretty rugged to go down in the mines," said Arthur Lee Smith, 75, who has lived in or near Rich Hill all his life and whose father and several uncles operated the Red Star mine south of town.
"And the miners were just as rugged on Saturday night. They would get their paychecks and off to town they'd go. It was a wild old time," he said.
But the wild times were short-lived. Clovis Sivils, 77, remembers a turning point.
Sivils, who served as Bates County sheriff from 1958 to 1968 and then spent one term in the Missouri House of Representatives, was about 10 years old when Prohibition forced the saloon doors to close in 1920.
"I was just a kid, but I went to town that night," Sivils said.
"They were drinking all over town and fighting in the streets."
Gradually the mines dried up, most of the miners disappeared and the residents turned to agriculture for their living. Now even that livelihood is threatening to betray Rich Hill as the farmers struggle to make ends meet.
Through it all, however, the parks and parkway have remained constants.
The two parks are filled with trees, shelter houses and playground equipment. Park Avenue continues to carry traffic through the downtown commercial district.
Every Fourth of July thousands of people from throughout the area gather in Park Place, the round park on the west side of town, for picnics, music, a baby pageant and the annual parade.
And though Rich Hill may be a town with more history than future, the Residents are not ready to board-up the windows and turn out the lights.
"I don't know what's going to happen to the old town," Smith said. "We had the mines, then we had the farming. And that's not going so good anymore. But maybe something else will come along."
town and the first thing they saw when they got off the train was the West Bottoms," Loughlin said. "Back then, that area was not a pretty sight. There were junk piles, and the bluffs were covered with clapboard shacks."
He said this prompted the city to hire George Kessler, a well-known landscape architect, to design such streets as the Paseo and Armour and Gladstone boulevards.
According to Griffin, the Rich Hill company's original vision was beautiful parks with exotic flower beds and the tree-lined parkway. The street system would radiate out from the parks and the parkway, called Park Avenue.
initially the plan had its problems.
The native grasses were cleared and replaced with blue-grass. Hundreds of soft maple trees were planted but later were replaced with native trees taken from the banks of the nearby Osage River.
But cattle and horses roamed freely about the town, trampling the foliage and discouraging visitors to the two parks, originally named Park Place and Prospect Park.
The solution: board fences to enclose the parks, with turnstiles at the entrances.
A short time later the fences and turnstiles came down, after the town passed an ordinance to keep the livestock off the streets.
Next came brick sidewalks through the center of each park and, a few years later, a bandstand in Park Place.
The population of Rich Hill peaked around 5,000 about the turn of the century. It was gaining a reputation as a "fast town," with saloons and dance halls lining Park Avenue to cater to the miners.
"You had to be pretty rugged to go down in the mines," said Arthur Lee Smith, 75, who has lived in or near Rich Hill all his life and whose father and several uncles operated the Red Star mine south of town.
"And the miners were just as rugged on Saturday night. They would get their paychecks and off to town they'd go. It was a wild old time," he said.
But the wild times were short-lived. Clovis Sivils, 77, remembers a turning point.
Sivils, who served as Bates County sheriff from 1958 to 1968 and then spent one term in the Missouri House of Representatives, was about 10 years old when Prohibition forced the saloon doors to close in 1920.
"I was just a kid, but I went to town that night," Sivils said.
"They were drinking all over town and fighting in the streets."
Gradually the mines dried up, most of the miners disappeared and the residents turned to agriculture for their living. Now even that livelihood is threatening to betray Rich Hill as the farmers struggle to make ends meet.
Through it all, however, the parks and parkway have remained constants.
The two parks are filled with trees, shelter houses and playground equipment. Park Avenue continues to carry traffic through the downtown commercial district.
Every Fourth of July thousands of people from throughout the area gather in Park Place, the round park on the west side of town, for picnics, music, a baby pageant and the annual parade.
And though Rich Hill may be a town with more history than future, the Residents are not ready to board-up the windows and turn out the lights.
"I don't know what's going to happen to the old town," Smith said. "We had the mines, then we had the farming. And that's not going so good anymore. But maybe something else will come along."
Monday, February 2, 2009
Miners Found
A friend of mine donated a picture of these Miners Metals. I think it is unique that the one metal gives the number of the Rich Hill Miners Union.
I really appreciate all of the people who have been sharing their momentos of Rich Hill for this blog.

My cousin Vicki Barge has sent me a power point presentation of life as a miner. I just have not been able to share it on the blog. I am trying to figure out how to get the presentation posted on this blog.
I really appreciate all of the people who have been sharing their momentos of Rich Hill for this blog.
The following information onthis blog came from the "Bates County Democrat" Butler, Mo. Thursday December 19, 1985 page 10.
Miners Found Alive
Rich Hill Mo. Dec. 1 The last of the imprisoned miners in No. 15 of the Rich Hill Coal Company , where yesterday's explosion occurred, was not reached till late this afternoon, although a party of searchers was at work all night. Two of the men believe to have been killed are yet alive, although the last one is still unconscious, and no account can be given by him and others, for the occasion of the disaster. Owen Meals, the mule teamster, was blown thirty feet by the force of the concussion. He is badly bruised and burned, but is not seriously injured. The dead body of James Donaldson, one of the shot firers, was recoveded, a little after midnight. He will be buried tomorrow. Dick Tones, his companion, was not reached till this afternoon. He was found half a mile from from the mouth of the shaft and was believed to be dead, but a faint sign of life is still present.
My cousin Vicki Barge has sent me a power point presentation of life as a miner. I just have not been able to share it on the blog. I am trying to figure out how to get the presentation posted on this blog.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Colonel E. H. Brown
This blog comes out of a Missouri History book that Mary Kithcart loaned to me.
I would loved to have found a picture of Colonel Brown. But instead I settled on his house in Girard Kansas. They claim that after the Colonel founded Rich Hill he tried the same thing in Crawford County Kansas. But his second attempt at founding a town wasn't as successful as it was for Rich Hill.

I would loved to have found a picture of Colonel Brown. But instead I settled on his house in Girard Kansas. They claim that after the Colonel founded Rich Hill he tried the same thing in Crawford County Kansas. But his second attempt at founding a town wasn't as successful as it was for Rich Hill.

We cannot close this chapter without a reference to the gentleman whose name appears above. He not only founded the town and laid it out, but has constantly been its good genius from the beginning. He has been foremost in all its enterprises, sparing neither time nor means in building it up and making its advantages known to the world. To his liberality, good judgment and untiring energy, Rich Hill practically owes its existence. Without his shrewdness the town site would have doubtless been covered with its original prairie grass, the rich mines of " black diamonds " would have lain undeveloped, and the railroads which have done so much to advance the material prosperity of the town and county, would have never been constructed. Whatever maybe the destiny of Rich Hill, the name of E. H. Brown will shine upon every page of its history with the brightest luster. Associated with Colonel Brown from the first settlement of the place, is M. S. Cowles, who, like the colonel, has struck herculean blows in the interests of the city, and like him, too, is proud to share in its general prosperity. Mr. Cowles is president of the " Mercantile Company," which has a paid up capital of $75,000. He is emphatically a business man in every sense of the word, and is at the head of one of the largest and most flourishing business houses in western Missouri.
We cannot close this chapter without a reference to the gentleman whose name appears above. He not only founded the town and laid it out, but has constantly been its good genius from the beginning. He has been foremost in all its enterprises, sparing neither time nor means in building it up and making its advantages known to the world. To his liberality, good judgment and untiring energy, Rich Hill practically owes its existence. Without his shrewdness the town site would have doubtless been covered with its original prairie grass, the rich mines of " black diamonds " would have lain undeveloped, and the railroads which have done so much to advance the material prosperity of the town and county, would have never been constructed. Whatever maybe the destiny of Rich Hill, the name of E. H. Brown will shine upon every page of its history with the brightest luster. Associated with Colonel Brown from the first settlement of the place, is M. S. Cowles, who, like the colonel, has struck herculean blows in the interests of the city, and like him, too, is proud to share in its general prosperity. Mr. Cowles is president of the " Mercantile Company," which has a paid up capital of $75,000. He is emphatically a business man in every sense of the word, and is at the head of one of the largest and most flourishing business houses in western Missouri.
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