Rich Hill Mining Review Sept.25 1931

Responding to the official call of the state commissioner of finance, the Security bank of Rill Hill presents its statement of the financial condition of the bank in this issue of the Review. It is worth the attention of the public. The statement shows sound, conservative management, evidenced by the amount of cash on hand and in bank, and a large amount of U. S. government and other state and high class municipal securities, averaging 80 percent of total deposits. (This total combines cash and securities referred to.)
Richard W. Trefs, cashier, Tersely Says: "Probably few country banks can measure up to such a standard of conservatism. A bank and its management can only be gauged by its ability to keep its doors open and not by any possible accommodation that may be extended in a careless way to a selected few to the detriment of the real active supporter of a bank, the depositor "
The Security bank is a newly established institution, but is making steady strides for success on sound financial basis and courteous treatment to the public.
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