Friday, March 20, 2009

Old Power Plant


This is the front of the old Power Plant which sits at Maple and Railroad streets it appears that years ago it had a front door.

This is the east side of the old water plant. I often wondered just how they ever got the motors in and out of the building, it must have been through these double doors pictured here on the east side.

This view is fron thew west side. The two double doors pictured above were used when they shoveled coal into the coal room.

This the old switchgear which were the old controls for the cities electric. Each section was labeled as to which section of town the electric would go to. This is some more of the switch gear. It just really amazes me just how old it looks. This is a picture of one of the old Fairbanks motors I wrote about in an earlier blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I worked for the city of Rich hill power and light in 1961 before I went to Kansas City Power and Light company where I retired after 32 years. Rich hill gave me my start in Electrical Line work !