Very interesting article...it's funny to read about what they thought the future in telecommunications was going to be, back in the 50s.
The magazine states:
"Missouri-born Cleo Craig, (he got his odd first name, because his parents had picked it for the girl they were expecting and didn't bother to change it. - who knew??), has spent 43 years learning his huge job. Armed with an engineering degree and varsity letter in basketball from the University of Missouri, he started in St. Louis as a $15-a-week maintenance man. After tours in Kansas City, New York and Atlanta, he settled into 195 Broadway in 1933 as long-lines general manager. By the time he stepped into AT&Ts top spot in 1951, he had held half a dozen vice presidential portfolios - long-lines, personnel (for seven years), finance, revenues, operations and engineering. Craig doesn't "run" the telephone company. No man could. But he has a big hand in keeping its line unsnarled."
It then goes on to describe a day at the office as well as his philosiphies. Very interesting article.
1 comment:
He was my dad's uncle. He was a great man!
-Steve Heck
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