Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Coal Oil in 1883

The Missouri Oil Fields
ST.LOUIS, Aug.9.--The discoveries of coaloil in Bates and Vernon Counties in this State are attracting considerable attention from Eastern operators.Today W.W. Gilmore a Pennsylvania oil Man, who has just returned from a visit to Rich Hill and vicinity, said that the surface indications in both Bates and Vernon Counties are the best he ever saw.The oil lands about Rich Hill had all been taken up, but in prospecting in Vernon County, near Carbon Center, he found the finest indications seen anywhere in the County. The Oil can be found in paying quantities.He met a farmer there who sank a tub into his land at night and found it filled in the morning with oil almost as thick as that which is sold as lubricant for 50 cents a gallon.The Oil is essentially petroleum.Mr. Gilmore said that he leased 1,700 acres of land,and was on the way to Pittsburgh to get the necessary machinery.Dumon +Foote are now sinking their second Well,and within 10 days,Mr. Gilmore said,there will probably be six more wells.The Machinery for five wells is now on the way from Pittsburgh.There is great excitement all through the oil region,which is full Pennsylvania speculators, who are leading all the land they can get hold of.
The principal companies are Wright & Co. Scott & CO. Collins & Hardeson ,and M.S. Cowles & Co.
Speaking of the quality of the oil. Mr. Gilmore Said it is not richer than Pennsylvania Oil but is of good quality."The oil man are only leasing the land. Collins and Hardeson paid $5000 for an option lease of 320 acres for 18 months at $75 an acre.

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