Saturday, December 31, 2016
Goodbye old,hello new....Rich Hill Mining Review JUNE 13, 2002
Rich Hill High School faculty pose for a final photo in front of the old school building.When classes for the 2002-03 school year resume this fall,faculty and students will be in the district,s new high school building.
Faculty members include, left to right ;Front row-Vicky Proppelwell, Julie Laver ,Christy Mckinney,Rhonda Healdley,Jennifer Wheatley and Dwayne Bauer,Back Row Brian Thomas,Gary Dunn,Sylvia Eldridge, Larnel Martin,Sandra Robb,Richard Courter, Nancy Wimmer, Larry Palmer, Greg Brocka, and Lance Sargent.
Friday, December 30, 2016
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Old Pictures on the 2008 Rich Hill Mo. Phone Book
Old Pictures on the 2008 Rich Hill Mo. Phone Book
The back of the books says
Picture 1.The Columns at the Entrance to the East Park.
Picture 2. The Parkview Hotel was located at 5th & Park.Some time after a fire in the early 90's it was demolished .
Picture 3. Looking east on Park Avenue at Clark's Drug & Booth theatre.
Picture 4. Bryant High School before the addition of the cafeteria & gymnasium.
Picture 5.The Northup's Drug store building still stands at 6th & Park.
Picture 6. The Standard Service station at 6th & Park was add on to in later years and is now a restaurant.
Picture 7. The RHHS Drum Bugle Corp leads Elks Members in the Flag Day Parade June 14 ,1940
Sunday, August 7, 2016
James Ernest Truex Real birthplace
I found this story in the Nevada Daily Mail Sept 16 1982 News of Yesterday Taken from Sept 16 1932
50 years ago Sept. 16 1932
For the last 25 years the little Bates county town of Rich Hill has been denied an honor due it from the fact that the compilers of Who's Who on Broadway failed to double check the data on Ernest Truex, the "half pint" comedian, as Mr.Truex often refers to himself, who is know to theaters goers on two continents, has made famous a Missouri town which never existed."Red Hill" has received the honor of being the birthplace of Mr.Truex and only recently a prominent New York columnist referred to Mr. Truex as the "Red Hill Missouri boy who made good in the city."
With years of such misinformation going out to the reading public,Rich Hill citizens finally "got mad."They took the matter up with Ernest with the result that Rich Hill will replace "Red Hill" as the birthplace and the early home of Mr. Truex with the next appearance of Who's Who on Broadway.In an interveiw with Mr. Truex he said"There is no such town in Missouri as Red Hill,but I never denied it when writers gave that mythical town the honor,and for years that town has appeared as my birthplace."
In 1896 a stranded Shakespearean actor became ill. Ernest's father,Dr.J.L.Truex,then practicing in Rich Hill,now in Joplin,treated the actor-Edward M. Chamberlain.Unable to meet the bill after his recovery, Mr. Chamberlain organized a school of elocution and dramatics and agreed to pay the doctor's bill by giving five-year old Ernest lessons in the art of stage.The results was that Ernest made his debut a few months later on the stage of the opera house here in Nevada,playing the part of Hamlet.For some years he was billed as a child prodigy and appeared in many cities in Shakespeare's plays before landing on Broadway.
Rich Hill's older citizens, who knew Ernest as a boy and watched his rise to stardom in the theater world,had as their only regret for years the error consistently made as to Mr.Truex's birthplace.Now that Ernest has corrected this error everyone is again happy in the old home town and when he is next billed for an appearance in Kansas City,all his old friends from this little city will be there to greet him in a big way.
50 years ago Sept. 16 1932
For the last 25 years the little Bates county town of Rich Hill has been denied an honor due it from the fact that the compilers of Who's Who on Broadway failed to double check the data on Ernest Truex, the "half pint" comedian, as Mr.Truex often refers to himself, who is know to theaters goers on two continents, has made famous a Missouri town which never existed."Red Hill" has received the honor of being the birthplace of Mr.Truex and only recently a prominent New York columnist referred to Mr. Truex as the "Red Hill Missouri boy who made good in the city."
With years of such misinformation going out to the reading public,Rich Hill citizens finally "got mad."They took the matter up with Ernest with the result that Rich Hill will replace "Red Hill" as the birthplace and the early home of Mr. Truex with the next appearance of Who's Who on Broadway.In an interveiw with Mr. Truex he said"There is no such town in Missouri as Red Hill,but I never denied it when writers gave that mythical town the honor,and for years that town has appeared as my birthplace."
In 1896 a stranded Shakespearean actor became ill. Ernest's father,Dr.J.L.Truex,then practicing in Rich Hill,now in Joplin,treated the actor-Edward M. Chamberlain.Unable to meet the bill after his recovery, Mr. Chamberlain organized a school of elocution and dramatics and agreed to pay the doctor's bill by giving five-year old Ernest lessons in the art of stage.The results was that Ernest made his debut a few months later on the stage of the opera house here in Nevada,playing the part of Hamlet.For some years he was billed as a child prodigy and appeared in many cities in Shakespeare's plays before landing on Broadway.
Rich Hill's older citizens, who knew Ernest as a boy and watched his rise to stardom in the theater world,had as their only regret for years the error consistently made as to Mr.Truex's birthplace.Now that Ernest has corrected this error everyone is again happy in the old home town and when he is next billed for an appearance in Kansas City,all his old friends from this little city will be there to greet him in a big way.
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Fourth of July in Rich Hill Missouri 1951
Article from Rich Hill Mining Review June 21, 1951
The fourth of July committees have been working hard the past week completing plans for the Fourth of July celebration here.Arrangements are nearly completed and according to the information received a finer program is in store for those attending the celebration than has been presented here in many years.
The celebration this year will observe the 175th Anniversary of the founding of the United States. All churches in Rich Hill are asked to ring their church bells for five minutes at twelve noon on July 4 to acknowledge this anniversary.Upon hearing the tolling of the bells,all persons are asked to pause and offer silent prayer of thanks to God for the Freedom and Principles which this nation was founded.
The Parada Shows will arrive in Rich Hill Monday and be here for the Fourth.This show has been in Rich Hill several times in previous years and they have a nice clean show.They have a number of rides,shows and concessions.
Rich Hill has two fine parks in which the people who arrive for the day can find plenty of shade. The East Park is the picnic park. There one will find ovens and tables for their picnic dinners.Central Park, which is downtown, has many seats for the comfort of those attending and the programs in the afternoon and evening will be held in the bandstand this Park.
There has been no special entertainment planned for the morning but the Parada shows will open early for the entertainment of those coming to town in the morning
In the afternoon a street parade will be held at 2 o'clock. Prizes are being offered for the best decorated floats as follows :first prize,$25.00: second prize $15.00:and third prize $10.00.An added feature to the parade this year will be the boys and girls riding ponies.Prizes will also be given, for the best dressed boy or girl on horse or pony,first prize,$10.00 :second prize $5.00, and thrid prize $2.50.There are many ways in witch they may dress, such as Indians,Mexicans or cowboys and cowgirls.
Anyone who wants to participate in the parade contact Sam Fisher of or Shirley Booth.Charles Logan of Nevada has notified Mr. Booth that he will be again this year with his Shetland ponies, which are favorites of the children.
Immediately following the parade Mr.H. Roe Bartle,of Kansas City will give the Independence Day address Mr. Bartle has been a leader in Boy Scout work in Kansas City and this region for many years.He has served as President of Missouri Valley College at Marshall Mo. and at the present time is regional director of the office of Price Stabilization.
L.G.Nelson of the Nelson Construction company is sponsoring a turtle race which is open to all children between the ages of 6 and 19 years.Any child wanting to participate in this event is asked to contact Mr. Nelson.
Edward Wright of the Rich Hill Roller Rink is sponsoring a roller skating
contest on Park Avenue between sixth and Seventh streets. we have no particulars concerning this event but are sure Mr. Wright has some extra special entertainment in this feature for all.
The Rich Hill Legionnaires baseball team will play at Association Park following the parade for the baseball fans of this community.
The Rich Hill High School band will give a short concert in the evening preceding the dinner hour. The entertainment for the evening will begin at 7 O'clock when we have something new in the entertainment field, and that is the "baby buggy parade." Prizes will be awarded for the best decorated baby buggy or stroller, in the following amounts: first prize $10.00: second prize $5.00: and third prize $2.50. Prizes will be awarded on the appearance of the whole unit but with the greatest emphasis being on the decoration of the vehicle. Those who desire to compete in this parade should contact Sam Fisher.
Immediately following the baby buggy parade a variety show of home talent will be held in the band stand in Central Park. This program is under the direction of Miss Zelma Copeland and it is at this time that all attending will have the privilege of seeing the many beautiful bathing beauties of our town.
Miss Copeland has many other interesting numbers planned for this program.
The fourth of July program will end at 10 o'clock with a grand display of fireworks on Park avenue near the railroad tracks.
Fourth of July celebrations are not new in Rich Hill. Rich Hill has celebrated yearly since 1881, except during World War I and World War II. the first celebration was held on the block on the North side of Walnut Street, just east of the railroad track. A hotel was located where the Paris Woodall home now stands. Heavy timbers were hauled in to make shelter tents because there were no trees at that time to provide shade. Each year the committees try to make the celebration better than the preceding one and this year is no exception. These celebrations are really Rich Hill's annual homecoming days for people travel great distances to meet their friends here.
Saturday, July 30, 2016
Paris Woodall
This Blog article comes from
Daily Capital News, Jefferson City, Missouri
October 5, 1938
Rich Hill, MO., Oct. 4 – (UP) – Suits, overcoats, leather jackets and hats valued at $3,000 were stolen early today from the Beasley Mercantile Co. store by three bandits who tied up Paris Woodall, 65, the night watchman.
Moberly Monitor-Index, Moberly, Missouri
December 15, 1939
Rich Hill, MO., Dec. 15 – AP – Marvin Denayer was killed last night in a scuffle with Night Officer Paris Woodall. The officer was wounded.
Woodall said Denayer resisted arrest for intoxication, seized the officer’s revolver and shot him through the hand. He was choking Woodall when the officer recovered his weapon and fired three shots. Denayer died two hours later in a Butler hospital.
Excerpts from:Daily Capital News, Jefferson City, Missouri
October 5, 1938
Rich Hill, MO., Oct. 4 – (UP) – Suits, overcoats, leather jackets and hats valued at $3,000 were stolen early today from the Beasley Mercantile Co. store by three bandits who tied up Paris Woodall, 65, the night watchman.
Moberly Monitor-Index, Moberly, Missouri
December 15, 1939
Rich Hill, MO., Dec. 15 – AP – Marvin Denayer was killed last night in a scuffle with Night Officer Paris Woodall. The officer was wounded.
Woodall said Denayer resisted arrest for intoxication, seized the officer’s revolver and shot him through the hand. He was choking Woodall when the officer recovered his weapon and fired three shots. Denayer died two hours later in a Butler hospital.
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Brakeman Killed. Aug 28 1890
Brakeman Killed. Aug 28 1890
'Feely' McQuity Meets Sudden Death at His Post of Duty.
Knocked into the River.
The Sad and Untimely Death of a Rich Hill Brakeman this Morning at 11 o'clock-The Remains brought to Rich Hill at 1 o'clock.
This morning 'Feeley' McQUITTY passed north on the local, due here at 7:30 o'clock, but which was about 8 hours behind time, and was seen at the depot by a number of his friends and former companions for the last time alive. The particulars of the sad death of this young man are about as follows. When nearing the intersection of the Emporia road, about five miles this side of Butler, the instructions were given Mr. McQuitty to set the brakes, as some switching was to be done. The conductor was on top of the train, and when the instructions were being given Mr. McQuitty was on the ladder in the act of ascending, and leaning out was watching the conductor, Mr. Garnett, unawares of approaching the Miami bridge. While in this position one of the abutments of the bridge struck the unfortunate brakeman on the back of the head, hurling him 15 feet into the waters below. The signal was given and the train stopped as soon as possible, but the unfortunate man was a corpse before he could be reached. A great hole, the size of an ordinary ink stand, was found to have been made in the left back part of the head, which evidently caused instant death. An inquest was held at Butler, and a verdict returned in accordance with the above facts.
The parents of Mr. McQuitty have been residents of Rich Hill the past 9 years, and the sudden death of their son is indeed a severe shock to them. The deceased has made Rich Hill his home much of the time, and was well known and liked by all. Besides his parents, he leaves a young wife [Margaret Hannah Pearson, later Linthicum] and six brothers to mourn his sudden demise. The wife of the deceased was not apprised of the sad fate of her husband at our hour of writing, as she was visiting at the mines, and could not be reached. Mr. McQuitty had only been married about a year, and the young wife, as well as all other members of the household, have the profound sympathy of the Review in this dark hour of their sorrow.
The funeral services will be conducted at the family residence in the East End to-morrow evening, to which all friends of the deceased and of the family are invited.
'Feely' McQuity Meets Sudden Death at His Post of Duty.
Knocked into the River.
The Sad and Untimely Death of a Rich Hill Brakeman this Morning at 11 o'clock-The Remains brought to Rich Hill at 1 o'clock.
This morning 'Feeley' McQUITTY passed north on the local, due here at 7:30 o'clock, but which was about 8 hours behind time, and was seen at the depot by a number of his friends and former companions for the last time alive. The particulars of the sad death of this young man are about as follows. When nearing the intersection of the Emporia road, about five miles this side of Butler, the instructions were given Mr. McQuitty to set the brakes, as some switching was to be done. The conductor was on top of the train, and when the instructions were being given Mr. McQuitty was on the ladder in the act of ascending, and leaning out was watching the conductor, Mr. Garnett, unawares of approaching the Miami bridge. While in this position one of the abutments of the bridge struck the unfortunate brakeman on the back of the head, hurling him 15 feet into the waters below. The signal was given and the train stopped as soon as possible, but the unfortunate man was a corpse before he could be reached. A great hole, the size of an ordinary ink stand, was found to have been made in the left back part of the head, which evidently caused instant death. An inquest was held at Butler, and a verdict returned in accordance with the above facts.
The parents of Mr. McQuitty have been residents of Rich Hill the past 9 years, and the sudden death of their son is indeed a severe shock to them. The deceased has made Rich Hill his home much of the time, and was well known and liked by all. Besides his parents, he leaves a young wife [Margaret Hannah Pearson, later Linthicum] and six brothers to mourn his sudden demise. The wife of the deceased was not apprised of the sad fate of her husband at our hour of writing, as she was visiting at the mines, and could not be reached. Mr. McQuitty had only been married about a year, and the young wife, as well as all other members of the household, have the profound sympathy of the Review in this dark hour of their sorrow.
The funeral services will be conducted at the family residence in the East End to-morrow evening, to which all friends of the deceased and of the family are invited.
Related article:
Roadmaster Meyers in Town.
Roadmaster Meyers was in the city yesterday, and went out to the Mia- bridge, where Mr. F. U. McQuitty was killed on Thursday of last week. While there Mr. Meyers took occasion to measure the distance from the timber where Mr. McQuitty met his fate to where he landed in the water below, and found the same to be 90 feet. "It is a very great distance for a human body to be knocked by the force of a blow, and the imprints on the abutments where his head struck would indicate that they had been struck with a huge piece of iron of some kind.
--of about fifteen brakemen who have engaged in that avocation from Rich Hill, Mr. McQuitty is the third to have met death while on duty.
Roadmaster Meyers in Town.
Roadmaster Meyers was in the city yesterday, and went out to the Mia- bridge, where Mr. F. U. McQuitty was killed on Thursday of last week. While there Mr. Meyers took occasion to measure the distance from the timber where Mr. McQuitty met his fate to where he landed in the water below, and found the same to be 90 feet. "It is a very great distance for a human body to be knocked by the force of a blow, and the imprints on the abutments where his head struck would indicate that they had been struck with a huge piece of iron of some kind.
--of about fifteen brakemen who have engaged in that avocation from Rich Hill, Mr. McQuitty is the third to have met death while on duty.
Friday, March 4, 2016
From Gail Biggs Facebook
From Gail Biggs Facebook
my Friend Gail posted this picture on her Facebook
from 1957 Rich Hill Year BookThe King is Billy Schenker, The Queen is Evelyn Coonce Painter, The Prince is Joe Daughtery, and the Princess is Helen Reedy
Sunday, February 7, 2016
The Rich Hill tribune., May 19, 1910 {Class of 1910}
The Rich Hill tribune., May 19, 1910 {Class of !910}
Commencement Exercises
The commencement exercises of the graduating class of the Rich Hill School for 1910 was held at the opera house last night and was a success in every particular.
A large crowd witnessed the performance of the play "The Professor"and the manner in which it was produced reflect great credit both on the Students and their director Mr. Beninsley.
The Valedictory and Salutatory addressed were well gotten up and excellently delivered.The music was beautiful and the class address very interesting and taken all together we believe that in the annals of Rich Hill High School history,the class of 1910 will long be looked upon as a banner class.
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church History
Lutheran Church History-from the book the Town that Coal Built
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church was organized November 21, 1883 in a boarding house operated by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cane. Some of the early members were Fred Cane, John Klumpp, August Elgert, Joseph Ochsner, Frank Yarick, John Farrer, Wm. Fritz, John Marquardt, Albert Kleiwin and H. Schwamb.
Most of these German Lutherans settled in the North part of town. Probably, so as to be closer to their work in the mines to the North and Northwest of town and the smelter.
Rev. Niederwimmer was the first Pastor. Their first church was several blocks North of the present church. The membership grew every year, and they outgrew the small church building which was also used for parochial school. During that time they bought land from Robinson for a cemetery, also bought 2 lots on the southeast corner of 4th and Chestnut. They bought the present church building from the Methodist Church, and moved it to the west lot in 1890. In 1892 they moved the little church to the east lot, and added on 2 large rooms in the front of it. This building served as the parsonage, and the back part as the schoolroom.
We celebrated our 50th anniversary in 1932, Arthur Schardt was pastor then. The last resident pastor here was Edward Haferman. He left in 1942. In 1957 we celebrated our 75th anniversary. Rev. Ritterling was our pastor and also of Nevada St. Paul Lutheran Church. The parsonage was rented until 1971 and is still used as a "get-to-gather" place for the congregation. The ladies of the church also use it to meet in.
Richmond Anderson of Kansas City is our present pastor. We have services the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Sundays from the 1st of March through December. Time is 8:30 A.M., as he also serves the Nevada St. Paul Church, after our services.
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church was organized November 21, 1883 in a boarding house operated by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cane. Some of the early members were Fred Cane, John Klumpp, August Elgert, Joseph Ochsner, Frank Yarick, John Farrer, Wm. Fritz, John Marquardt, Albert Kleiwin and H. Schwamb.
Most of these German Lutherans settled in the North part of town. Probably, so as to be closer to their work in the mines to the North and Northwest of town and the smelter.
Rev. Niederwimmer was the first Pastor. Their first church was several blocks North of the present church. The membership grew every year, and they outgrew the small church building which was also used for parochial school. During that time they bought land from Robinson for a cemetery, also bought 2 lots on the southeast corner of 4th and Chestnut. They bought the present church building from the Methodist Church, and moved it to the west lot in 1890. In 1892 they moved the little church to the east lot, and added on 2 large rooms in the front of it. This building served as the parsonage, and the back part as the schoolroom.
We celebrated our 50th anniversary in 1932, Arthur Schardt was pastor then. The last resident pastor here was Edward Haferman. He left in 1942. In 1957 we celebrated our 75th anniversary. Rev. Ritterling was our pastor and also of Nevada St. Paul Lutheran Church. The parsonage was rented until 1971 and is still used as a "get-to-gather" place for the congregation. The ladies of the church also use it to meet in.
Richmond Anderson of Kansas City is our present pastor. We have services the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Sundays from the 1st of March through December. Time is 8:30 A.M., as he also serves the Nevada St. Paul Church, after our services.
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
The ORDINANCE where the Lutheran Church turned over the cemetery to the City of Rich Hill - October 1961
0692 – Lutheran Cemetery
BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Rich Hill, Missouri, as follows:
Section 1: The Mayor of the City of Rich Hill, Bates County, Missouri, for and on behalf of said city is hereby authorized to enter into the following contract for the acquisition of certain land for cemetery purposes:
THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 1st day of October, 1961, by and between the LUTHERAN CHURCH of Rich Hill, Missouri, First Party, and CITY OF RICH HILL, Bates County, Missouri, Second Party, WITNESS: that,
WHEREAS, First Party is the owner of the following described real estate in Bates County, Missouri, known as the Lutheran Cemetery, to-wit:
Beginning at a point 27 Rods 1’6” East of the Southwest corner of Section 6, Township 38, Range 31, (otherwise described as the Southeast corner of the Catholic Cemetery) running thence East 307 feet, more or less, to a fence thence North 280 feet, thence West 307 feet, more or less, to a point directly North of the place of beginning thence South 280 feet to the point of beginning; and,
WHEREAS, the members of the Lutheran Church of Rich Hill, Missouri, recognize that maintenance of such cemetery will become a serious problem in the future; and,
WHEREAS, the City of Rich Hill, Missouri, has a need for additional burial grounds;
It is, therefore, agreed, as follows:
The Lutheran Church Council of the Lutheran Church of Rich Hill, Missouri, shall convey to the City of Rich Hill the property above described as a burial ground. Second Party agrees that it will restore all existing graves and stones in such area and will permanently maintain the entire cemetery above referred to.
It is further agreed that the tract immediately west of the present driveway in such cemetery, being otherwise described as:
Beginning at a point 507 feet East of the Southwest corner of Section 6, Township 38, Range 31, running thence North 164 feet, thence East 84 feet, thence South 164 feet, thence West to the point of beginning,
Shall be reserved for burial by members of the Rich Hill Lutheran Church and their families.
Proceeds from the sale of lots reserved for Lutheran burials in the paragraph last above shall go to the Rich Hill Lutheran Church, but such church will abide by all the existing practices of the cemetery.
It is further understood and agreed that many lots for burial have heretofore been sold By First Party and that any dispute as to the ownership of any lost previously sold, or alleged to be previously sold, will be resolved by First Party.
It is further understood and agreed that all expenses in connection with this contract and the conveyance here under shall be assumed by Second Party.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, First Party has caused this contract to be signed in its behalf by the Lutheran Church Council of the Lutheran Church of Rich Hill, Missouri, and Second Party has caused this contract to be signed by its duly authorized Mayor the day and year first above written.
Fred Marquardt
John Denayer
Lawrence Denayer-Lutheran Church Council
Marvin Hurst-Mayor
Lily White-City Clerk
Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in effect from and after its passage and approval.
Read three times and passed this 10 day of October 1961.
Marvin Hurst-Mayor
Lily White-City Clerk
Approved this 10th day of October 1961
Marvin Hurst
Friday, January 29, 2016
Pictures from Rich Hill Alumni 2015
Pictures from Rich Hill Alumni 2015
These three pictures had the name Emma Henely on the back.
The one taken in front of county school might be Mission Branch.
The other two were taken at Byant School -Rich Hill.
The small group had the Emma Henley name and Rich Hill Freshmen
Class of 1921
The two group picture were taken by Brown Studio of Harrisonville ,Mo
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Willard Clark Henderson : WWII Experience

WWII ExperienceDESCRIPTION: Joplin News Herald Friday September 29 1944 Page 7
Says-Then there was the experience of Staff Sergeant Willard C.Henderson of Shell City,Mo. He bumped into a German officer unexpectedly in a tunnel and in a fraction of a second each had poked a weapon against the other[s abdomen.
Drop it"Henderson yelled,
The German's automatic clattered to the floor.
Henderson rounded up the officer and 22 other Germans in the tunnel and ushered them all out.
Willard Clark Henderson Obit
He was married Aug. 14, 1947, in Berryville, Ark., to LaVern Barker, and she survives of the home.
He grew up in Schell City, and went to Flat Rock School there. He finished his last two years of school in Nevada. He joined the U.S. Army on Nov. 11, 1942. He served in Europe during World War II. Among the medals he received was a bronze star, a silver star, as well as two purple hearts, the second of which was received when he was wounded while he was among the first to go through the wall in Breast, France. He went to California in 1952 where he lived and worked for 26 years before moving back to Rich Hill, in 1978. He was a welder and mechanic most of his working life. He owned and operated Henderson and Sons Garage in California with his three sons. Following his retirement, he went to work for Balk's Farm Implement in Vernon County.
© Copyright 2004, Nevada Daily Mail
Story URL:
Monday, January 25, 2016
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Rich Hill Insurance Calendar 1897-1965
Rich Hill Insurance Calendar 1897-1965
The Calendar says-We celebrated our 13th Birthday in 1897 and 81st in 1965
Rich Hill Insurance
Security Bank Bldg. :: Rich Hill, Missouri
Specializing in Truck Insurance
Phone 395-2111
The top pad says:
This Calendar ,long out of print,may seem incorrect... but here's a hint
Every year in history Has it"TIME" when dates agree.
And though 1897 is the printed date.1965 is it perfect mate.
The pad's correct you can rely on this useful calendar of days gone by.
And so we're happy to revive Lovely Lillian for 1965
It was she who made the 1890's gay
And we thought you'd enjoy her yet today
And with this sweet alluring creature
you also get another feature
Look at the pad and you can foresee
Things to come in the "next century"
Saturday, January 23, 2016
U.S., African American Newspapers, 1829-1947 for Homer Kimbrough
Wichita Kansas Dec 241898 Nesspaper
Killed in a Rich Hill Mill Collapse-Rich Hill Mill . Collapse
Rich Hill Mo. Dec.21--A portion of the Rich Hill mill collapsed at 1 o'clock this Morning. Homer Kimbrough a transfer man was caught by timbers and crushed. The building was badly damaged.
Friday, January 22, 2016
Doc Allen story from the (History of Bates County, Missouri, 1883)
Osage Township - W.H. Allen, physician and surgeon, and a man eminent in his profession in this vicinity, was born in Frankfort, Kentucky, May 1, 1848, and is a son of R.N Allen, now a citizen of Bates County, Missouri. W.H. grew up and was educated in his native county, attending the Military Institute of which his father was professor for many years. He took a thorough course and was graduated with the degree of A.M. in 1869. During this time he had studied medicine with his cousin, Dr. R.D. Allen, who was superintendent of the Military Institute, and a prominent man in Kentucky. Dr. W.H. Allen was graduated from the medical department of the University of Louisville on February 28, 1871, and soon began his practice in Batesville, Carroll County, Missouri. This he continued in that locality till the spring of 1875, when he came to Bates County, Missouri, settling at Old Rich Hill, at which point he gave his attention to his chosen calling till the birth of this city in 1880. Then he built the finest dwelling in the town. He served as its mayor for the first eighteen months of its growth, having been appointed by the court. The Doctor is a member of the K. of P. and A.O.U.W. fraternities. He was married May 2, 1871, to Miss Ora Sims, who was born in Texas, July 3, 1851. Her father, Samuel Sims, was a native of Georgia. The family of the Doctor consists of four children: Laura S., William H., Eben G. and Samuel W. (History of Bates County, Missouri, 1883)
Osage Township - W.H. Allen, physician and surgeon, and a man eminent in his profession in this vicinity, was born in Frankfort, Kentucky, May 1, 1848, and is a son of R.N Allen, now a citizen of Bates County, Missouri. W.H. grew up and was educated in his native county, attending the Military Institute of which his father was professor for many years. He took a thorough course and was graduated with the degree of A.M. in 1869. During this time he had studied medicine with his cousin, Dr. R.D. Allen, who was superintendent of the Military Institute, and a prominent man in Kentucky. Dr. W.H. Allen was graduated from the medical department of the University of Louisville on February 28, 1871, and soon began his practice in Batesville, Carroll County, Missouri. This he continued in that locality till the spring of 1875, when he came to Bates County, Missouri, settling at Old Rich Hill, at which point he gave his attention to his chosen calling till the birth of this city in 1880. Then he built the finest dwelling in the town. He served as its mayor for the first eighteen months of its growth, having been appointed by the court. The Doctor is a member of the K. of P. and A.O.U.W. fraternities. He was married May 2, 1871, to Miss Ora Sims, who was born in Texas, July 3, 1851. Her father, Samuel Sims, was a native of Georgia. The family of the Doctor consists of four children: Laura S., William H., Eben G. and Samuel W. (History of Bates County, Missouri, 1883)
Friday, January 8, 2016
E-Mail from the UK
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Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Gertrude Cheverton Program
This was sent to me from a Les Shepard in the UK.Les estimate that the advertising leaflet must be dated from sometime around 1914 or later, as two of the testimonials mention her music studies in Europe, and passenger records show that she returned to New York from Europe in November 1913.
Thanks Les
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