This Blog comes from 1909 Rich Hill annual

The schedule played this season was larger and stronger than that of any previous year. Although the team was not an ''ever-victorious" one, we have every reason to believe that it is the strongest team that ever represented our school.
The literary was so generous and so greatly interested in the team, that they furnished every member with a new suit.
A few days after the boys had arrived home the Town team of Rich Hill decided that they would show Rich Hill how to play basket ball, and also issued a challenge for a game. Of course the High School team accepted and when the story was told they had defeated the Town Team 34 to 15.
Their next trip was to Appleton city where they played the Academy boys and again suffered a defeat of 20 to 15.
The next game was the second annual game with our greatest rival,Butler. Although the score was very one-sided 20-4 the playing was evenly matched.
This was the greatest defeat Butler has ever experienced.
The next adventure was on Xmas day when our team defeated the Alumni 14 to 2.
Rich Hill showed her supremacy over the Hume team and easily won both games by the score of '29 to 12 and 30 to 9 respectively.
Line up 1909
Frank Wilson Mgr.- Forward
Joe Klumpp -Forward
Allen Wilson, Capt.- Center
Ivan Corbin,- Guard
Edwin Koontz - Guard
Cleo Craig- Substitute
Albert Crenshaw- Coach
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