.Alderman Blackie Robertson suggested a warning be placed in the paper cautioning people that water pressure might be low especially in case of a fire. A caution was also given to stay away from the tower due to the danger of falling ice.
The mayor informed the council that a HUD waterline grant application was mailed Monday night. The application requested funds for water line improvements in the southwest and northeast section of town.
The application was for a of $186,000 $105,000 in the southwest and $81,000 in the northeast.
Police Judge Herb covey informed the council that effective February 1, court would be held at 9 a.m. on the second and fourth Tuesday in the city hall chambers. He also suggested that court costs be raised from $10 to $12. To enact the raise in an amendment in the city ordinance would have to be made. No action was taken on it.
Thelen read aletter from the Nevada-Vernon County Chamber of Commerce thanking the mayor for his aid in helping find funding for a secretarial posiotion in their office.
The grass and weeds in the sidewalks of downtown Rich Hill was a topic at a recent Chamber of Commerce meeting. All agreed the appearance of the business district could be enhanced with just a little effort. I chimed right in with the rest pointing out that just a few hours work could rid the area of the unwanted greenery.
Someone pointed out that the Review had quite a weed growing right by the door. Quickly I assured them that this magnificent specimen was no weed but a valuable ornamental plant that I tended with daily care. I convinced no one.
The truth of it is that I had stopped one day, right before the Fourth, to pull this weed. It didn't yield quickly and I was in a hurry so I left it meaning to come back later and dig it out. A month later it was still there. However just a few days after the Chamber meeting I found the weed stuck in my screen door—a reminder that improvement projects start close to home.I really never noticed that weed much. Usually in a hurry I just went in the front door with head down not looking to the left or right. But you can bet others noticed it and all the other weeds and grass by the store fronts. It's like at home rushing to do some home repair before visitors arrive. As long as it's just the family you let it go, sometimes even forgetting the problem exists. But the thought of visitors seeing our shortcomings brings on a flurry of activity.We have visitor’s everyday downtown.
Of the problems that exist for Rich Hill some will have to have long term solutions. But the problems of grass and weeds can be licked in just one afternoon.
Saturday afternoon there going to be a workday for this very purpose.
If you own a business or building downtown this would be a good time to begin the clean up. If you can't make it yourself there are probably some young people around town willing to make a few dollars for back to school.
Pitch in. Let's start the ball rolling for some improvements not only in downtown Rich Hill but for the whole town.
Flag Raising here To-Day
The beautiful America flag was raised to the top of a mammoth flag pole nearly seventy feet high at the entrance to Central park this Friday afternoon with appropriate ceremonies enhanced with patriotic airs played by the Rich Hill band, The crowd was not as large as hoped for but the occasion was marked with genuine enthusiasm. Mayor Jones presided. J. D,
W. O.
Municipal Matters.
The city council convened in regular session Tuesday evening, Mayor Jones and all members of the council being present. In addition to routine business transacted, R. S, Parsons was installed as the new superintendent, and A Gordon assistant superintendent. Contracts were made for another year with the Westinghouse and B & M. companies for lamps, meters and other supplies. Monthly accounts were also allowed.
Having- rented the repair shop at the White Way Garage, I am prepared to repair all makes of automobiles; also any tractor or stationary engine, electrical work on motors, cars etc. Am equipped to pull in broken down cars.Kindly solicit your patronage. All work guaranteed.
H. R. Johnson
Phone 60