This blog was taken from the Rich Hill Mining Review July 12th, 1934.

A Victim of Amnesia Causes Him to Wander from One Hobo Camp to Another.
Suffered a Lapse of Memnory--Physician Expresses Belief Mr. Klumpp Will Recover, However.
Mr, and Mrs, Chas. J. Klumpp, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Klumpp and Mac Wilson returned Thursday night from Kansas City, where they took John E. Klumpp, former postmaster and well known citizen who mysteriously disappeared five weeks ago, after his startling discovery at Carthage, Mo., on Wednesday night. He was taken to the Research hospital in that city for treatment. Mrs. Klumpp the wife remained at the bedside of her husband.
The thrilling but sad story of the finding of Mr. Klumpp, his identification by a picture by a boy tramp, Harry Hocum, and questioning when he was given food by Mrs. Chas. Klumpp when the boy stopped at the Klumpp home appealing for something to eat, and his return to Carthage with members of the Klumpp family where the story proved true in every detail was given in Thursday's issue of the Daily Review.
Chas, J. Klumpp said to-day (Friday) that his brother John was found to be in a serious condition from the hardships endured in his timless wanderings, but he believed that John will recover in due time.
Following excerpts from Kansas City reports Thursday afternoon and Friday morning follow: "Recieving the care a physician and nurses at Research Hospital, gazing with searching eyes at wife and relatives gathered in the hospital room, John Klumpp 46 years old, former postmaster at Rich Hill, Missouri, was reported to be very ill today. "
" Obviously suffering from amnesia which caused him to wander from one hobo camp to another, Mr. Klumpp was being questioned in a manner that physcians believed might cause his memory to return. It was believed the emotions suffered by Mr. Klumpp when he gazed once more upon his wife at the hospital caused him to become physically weaker."
"The condition of John E. Klumpp, 46 year-old Rich Hill, Mo. former postmaster, an apparent victim of amnesia, remained the same at Research Hospital Thursday night.
Mr. Klumpp still could not account for his whereabouts between May 25, when he left on a bus from St.Louis for Kansas City, until last Wednesday when he was fonad at a transient camp at Carthage, Mo.
"He suffered the loss of his memory probably while on the bus and left the bus before it arrived in Kansas City. He had been wandering from place to place, using the name of Ralph Koss. A search for him was made in eleven states. "Following his examination of Mr. Klumpp, the physician said he did not know at present what caused the amnesia. He said the loss of memory might be attributed to the mastoid condition or perhaps to a blow on the head which, upon healing of the scalp, would not be noticed. The physician said Mr, Klumpp would recover."
John E. Klumpp's Traveling Bag is Found
In the intensive search made throughout the country for John E. Klumpp former postmaster here who mysteriously disappeared some five weeks ago and who was found last Wednesday night at Carthage, Mo. and then taken to Research Hospital in Kansas City, an effort was made to find his traveling bag that it might lead to a clue. Although Mrs. Klumpp had obtained information that Mr. Klumpp had bought a Mo. Pacific bus ticket in St. Louis for Kansas City, she visted the Kansas City terminal station but no trace of the suit case was then found. He had vanished.
The sequel to this was unfolded late Monday afternoon upon the arrival of a bus here from Kansas City at 4:30 o'clock yesterday (Monday) afternoon the driver stopped at the Parkview hotel end delivered a Gladstone bag, with the identification tag bearing the name of John E. Klumpp, Rich Hill, Mo. The clerk Mr. Zarele at once notified J. P. Klumpp and Sam Klumpp who identified the bag, opened it and found John's suit of clothing, under garments, and other articles. John's watch was found in tha vest pocket.
Mrs Klumpp who is in Kansas City at the bedside of her husband who suffered an attack of amnesia was notified and to visit the terminal station to trace the bag, and where it was left by him in his wanderings.
Burl Holland and H. P. Robinson of this city visited the hospital in Kansas City Monday afternoon and report an improvement in his condition.
1 comment:
I realize this is an older blog post
but curious as to the Klumpp house mentioned
I recently acquired a photo of the "John Klumpp" House from 1909 and curious if its the same house
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