The picture below of Dr. Cromwell came out of a plat book at the Rich Hill Memorial Library. Dr. Cromwell died while he was serving his 3rd term as mayor of Rich Hill, Missouri.

Dr. James H. Cromwell, 69 sears old, Mayor of Rich Hill, passed away at
7 o'clock Friday evening, July 5, at the St. Mary's hospital in Kansas City, where he underwent an operation two weeks ago, following an illness of near five weeks. Public interest in the case was universal and never lagged here, and the announcement of his passing was a sad hour for Rich Hill, his family and friends. His wife is almost prostrated with grief. Dr. Cromwell was a strong personality, a man of recoganized ability, and honor to his profession, loyal to his family and friends, and his death is a distinct loss, not only to his family, but the city, county and state. Three times he was elected mayor and also served as a member of the school board. He took a personal interest in the growth of the city, its material and educational advancement, and during bis official career planned and carried forward to success many splendid improvements, that stand as a monument to his civic pride and public spirit. He also took an active interest in affairs of the county and state. He enjoyed the confidence and high regard of the entire community for he was known to be honest, outspoken in his views and an incorruptible man and official.
Dr. Cromwell was born July 1, 1860, in Lexington, Ky. When a young man he came to Kansas City and entered the Western Dental College. He received the degree of L. D S., and practiced a short time in Kansas City, moving to Rich Hill some thirty five years ago where he built up a lucrative practice.
He was married some thirty years ago to Miss Kate Harnsberger, a most estimable lady. To this union was born a son, Jack Cromwell. Surviving are the widow of the home; a son Jack Cromwell of Okmulgee, Okla.; two sisters, Miss Ada Mae Cromwell and Mrs. Mollie Shaw and a brother, Rufe Cromwell, all of Frankfort, Ky.
The body was brought here at an early hour Saturday morning in the Pond & Reavely ambulance, and accompanied by Mrs. Cromwell, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cromwell, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. J. Klumpp, Mrs. Geo. D. Biggs. and
Dr. Cromwell was born July 1, 1860, in Lexington, Ky. When a young man he came to Kansas City and entered the Western Dental College. He received the degree of L. D S., and practiced a short time in Kansas City, moving to Rich Hill some thirty five years ago where he built up a lucrative practice.
He was married some thirty years ago to Miss Kate Harnsberger, a most estimable lady. To this union was born a son, Jack Cromwell. Surviving are the widow of the home; a son Jack Cromwell of Okmulgee, Okla.; two sisters, Miss Ada Mae Cromwell and Mrs. Mollie Shaw and a brother, Rufe Cromwell, all of Frankfort, Ky.
The body was brought here at an early hour Saturday morning in the Pond & Reavely ambulance, and accompanied by Mrs. Cromwell, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cromwell, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. J. Klumpp, Mrs. Geo. D. Biggs. and
Dr. C. J. Allen.
Funeral services were held at 2:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the home on West Maple street, conducted by Rev. W. W. Garrett paster of the Methodist church. Burial in Greenlawn Cemetery.
The pallbearers were W.W. Ferguson, Robert C. Glenn, Dr. C. J. Allen , Harold F. Hallam, J. S. Connelley and Earl F. Wiek.
Members of the city council and city officers attended the funeral in a body.
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