The following article was copied partially from Miss Mary Griffins archives at the Rich hill Memorial Library. Part of the article is from the May 1, 1928 edition of the Rich Hill Daily Review.
The event described in it was quite a first for Rich Hill High School. On Thursday, April 30, 1928, the local track team won the championship of Bates County.

For the first time in the history of the high school. Rich Hill, won the track championship of Bates County.
This was perphaps one of the fastest and most closely contested meets ever held in the county. First one school and then another would be ahead in the number of points scored.
The contestirig schools were; • Adrian, Amsterdam, Butler and Rich Hill. The number of points scored by each were as follows: Adrian 38, Amsterdam 5 : Butler 28 1/2 , Rich ,Hill 41 1/2.
Rich Hill outclassed everything in the tournament, easily winning over their opponents.
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