By Howard Louis Conard
Published by The Southern history company, Haldeman, Conard & co., proprietors, 1901
Item notes: v.3
Original from Harvard University
Digitized Jan 23, 2008
The picture came from Find A Grave

Huckeby, George Proffltt, lawyer and dealer in real estate, was born in Rome, Perry County. Indiana, May 7, 1841, son of Elijah and Nancy (Groves) Huckeby. His father, a native of Hardin (now Breckinridge) County, Kentucky, was a son of John Huckeby, a native of Botetourt County. Virginia, who removed to Kentucky in the early days of that State. Elijah Huckeby was born in 1811. At the age of twenty-one years he removed to Indiana, where he married Nancy Groves, a native of the last named State and a descendant of Pennsylvania Dutch ancestry. She was a daughter of David Groves, who came from Germantovvn, Pennsylvania, locating in Perry County, Indiana, in 1808. Upon his death, August 22, 1851, he left an independent fortune to all his heirs. Most of the life of Elijah Huckeby was devoted to merchandising. In 1874 he located in Butler, Missouri, where he died in May, 1895. The subject of this sketch resided in his native town until the opening of the Civil War, attending school there and at Hanover College, at Hanover, Indiana. When President Lincoln first called for volunteers he enlisted, July 29, 1861, as a private in Company D, First Indiana Cavalry. His command saw service in southeast Missouri, participating in the battle of Fredericktown. Soon after this engagement he contracted typhoid fever, and upon his recovery was discharged and sent home, being mustered out as a sergeant of his company. After his course in Hanover College he read law in the office of Randall Crawford, at New Albany, Indiana, and then took a course in the law department of the Indiana University at Bloomington. In October, 1865, he was admitted to the bar at New Albany, Indiana, and at once began practicing his profession there, where he remained for nearly fifteen years. In 1879 he removed to Butler, Missouri, where he was engaged in teaching school for a year. Upon the founding of Rich Hill, in 1880, he removed to that place and at the urgent solicitation of leading Republicans there he established the "Rich Hill Gazette." A year later, in recognition of his services to the Republican party in the campaign of 1880, President Garfield appointed him postmaster of Rich Hill, in which office he served from May, 1881, to October, 1885. At the close of his term he opened a loan and real estate office in Rich Hill. In 1887 he went to Wichita, Kansas, where he operated in real estate for about a year and then, returning to Rich Hill, he resumed his business there. From October, 1890, to October, 1894, he again served as postmaster under appointment by President Harrison. Since 1894 he has been engaged in the real estate and insurance business, besides practicing his profession. Mr. Huckeby has always been a staunch Republican. In 1882, 1883 and 1884 he was a member of the Republican congressional committee, served on the Bates County Republican committee three terms, and in March, 1900, was honored by his party in being nominated for presidential elector. Since he was twenty-two years of age he has been a Mason, and in that order has taken thirty-five degrees. He retains his membership in the blue lodge at New Albany, Indiana. For forty-five years he has been a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and was one of the founders of the church at Rich Hill, in which he is trustee. He is a member of General Canby Post, No. 10, Grand Army of the Republic of Rich Hill, of which he has been adjutant almost continuously since its organization. Mr. Huckeby was married December 21, 1865, to Maria Castlen, of New Albany, Indiana, who died April 1, 1898, leaving five children. They are Jessie Fremont, Nancy Rafter, Sallie Lyndall, Isabel de la Hunt, now the wife of Samuel H. Gosnell, of Butler, and George Andrew Huckeby.
HUCKEBY,GEORGE Died- 4/5/1915 is buried in Greenlawn
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