Thursday, July 27, 2023

Rich Hill Mining Review July 1930 Jubilee Celebration

Rich Hill Mining Review July 1930 Jubilee Celebration


Rich Hill is expected to Entertain Thousands of Visitors to the Jubilee Celebration Next Week.

The city wishes to make a request of everybody in Rich Hill to clean up their premises and mow the grass and weeds both on their properties and the street in front. It is asked that this be done at once. The city is devoting every energy to getting the streets cleaned up and the paved street dressed up and ask the people to help get things in shape. The oil and gravel will be here Wednesday to finish the centers and shoulders of the paved streets. 

All businessmen are asked to put their trash into wire holders to burn in the backyards instead of loose as many do. A look at the paper on the streets will show the necessity of this. Looking it over for addresses one often finds paper in the gutter in front of the store that had been put out of the back door at the very place found. These Merchants would not think of throwing it into the street but in an hour it is often there. 

One of the weakest things about the appearance of Rich Hill is that the store windows are not lighted at night. If the merchants would light their windows from now until after the HomeComing most of them would find that it pays so well that they would continue the practice. The few who do find that it pays.

Sections of Park avenue will be closed for a few hours at a time this week while the centers and the shoulders are being finished, and during this time people will be asked to park on other streets and around the park. The officers say that the only trouble they are having with people parking at the curb is people who live right here in town, and in some cases they try to get hard boiled about it. It may be possible that trying to relieve congestion is wrong, but the officers feel that the home people should help them.

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