This Blog comes from the 1938 yearbook

On March 18, 1938 the opening night of our new auditorium- gymnasium, the contest was completed that told which of our students was completed that told which of our students were to be King and Queen of the yearbook.
For a week the contest had raged. Every student had his favorites and was anxious to see them win. Two Seniors, Mary Vodry and Thelma Ochsner, and one Junior, Ruby Schapeler, were nominees for Queen; Herbert McDaniel, Earle Isaacson and Arthur Lynch were candidates for King.
At the close of the contest when the winners were announced to be Thelma Ochsner and Earla Isaacson, the study body cheered. While the orchestra played a triumphal march, the audience formed a lane through which they ascended the steps to their thrones. When Thelma and Earle were seated, the students sang with the orchestra.
The freshmen were the happiest students present for they felt triumphant over the victory of
Ikie, their football hero. Thelma's supporters beamed as she merrily danced the last number wearing on her dark curls the little crown of pink rosebuds.
That evening proved a happy one for all the students. It was a truly gala occasion.
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