Public Lamps
Article I.
Location of public Lamps.
SEC. I. In view of the written acceptance made by the Rich Hill Water, Light and Fuel Company, of the franchise granted it in. Ordinance No. 170 of said city, the electric light lamps in said ordinance mentioned, are hereby located on the respective streets in said city, to-wit: On East Railroad Street, at City Mills, on corner Ninth Street and Park avenue, in center of East Park, on corner of Tenth and Olive Streets, on corner of Eleventh and Cedar Streets, on corner of Railroad and Walnut Streets, on corner of Fifth and Walnut Streets, on corner of Fifth and Poplar Streets, on corner Third and Sycamore Streets, on corner of Olive and Fayette Streets, on the corner of Walnut and First Streets, on corner Park and Third Streets, on comer Maple and Fayette Streets, on corner of Maple and Fifth Streets, on corner of Elm and Second Streets, on corner of Third and Vine Streets, on corner Fifth and Oak Streets, on corner of Fifth and Myrtle Streets, on corner of Second and Cedar Streets, on corner of Fourth and Chestnut Streets, on corner of Sixth and Vine Streets, on corner of Park Avenue and East Railroad Street, on corner of Sixth street and Park Avenue, on corner of Eighth and Spruce Streets, and on corner of Eighth and Chestnut Streets.
SEC. I. In view of the written acceptance made by the Rich Hill Water, Light and Fuel Company, of the franchise granted it in. Ordinance No. 170 of said city, the electric light lamps in said ordinance mentioned, are hereby located on the respective streets in said city, to-wit: On East Railroad Street, at City Mills, on corner Ninth Street and Park avenue, in center of East Park, on corner of Tenth and Olive Streets, on corner of Eleventh and Cedar Streets, on corner of Railroad and Walnut Streets, on corner of Fifth and Walnut Streets, on corner of Fifth and Poplar Streets, on corner Third and Sycamore Streets, on corner of Olive and Fayette Streets, on the corner of Walnut and First Streets, on corner Park and Third Streets, on comer Maple and Fayette Streets, on corner of Maple and Fifth Streets, on corner of Elm and Second Streets, on corner of Third and Vine Streets, on corner Fifth and Oak Streets, on corner of Fifth and Myrtle Streets, on corner of Second and Cedar Streets, on corner of Fourth and Chestnut Streets, on corner of Sixth and Vine Streets, on corner of Park Avenue and East Railroad Street, on corner of Sixth street and Park Avenue, on corner of Eighth and Spruce Streets, and on corner of Eighth and Chestnut Streets.
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