An ordinance providing for supplying the city of Rich Hill and its inhabitants with gas; Authorizing V. D. Snyder and Francis Tiernan or their assigns to construct and maintain gas works, contracting for illuminating said city, also for submitting the same to the qualified voter of said; city for their adoption or rejection.
Be it ordained by the board of aldermen of Rich Hill as follows: SRC. i. There is hereby granted to V. D. Snyder and Francis Tiernan, of the city of Ft. Scott, Kansas and to their successors and assigns the exclusive privilege of establishing, maintaining and operating natural and artificial gas works within and near the city of Rich Hill, Missouri, for twenty years, from and after the legal passage of this ordinance, and for the supplying of said city and the inhabitants thereof and-the adjacent territory with natural and artificial illuminating gas, for public, private and manufacturing uses, and to use the streets, avenues, alleys, sidewalks and public grounds of the city of Rich Hill, within its present and the future, corporate limits, for placing, taking up, and repairing pipe lines for conveying said gas and erecting lamp-posts and devices required for the service of gas.
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