Monday, September 7, 2009

Lighting Part II

Tonight's blog is from the book "The History of Rich Hill" ( A HISTORICAL REVIEW OF A MISSOURI TOWN) the following excert from Ed McQuitty in 1955.

Public Street Lighting

Rich Hill's first street lights were of the old English pattern of kerosene variety, all eight of them, installed April 2, 1881, during the administration of Mayor Hewett. These lamps were of about the same candle power of a well behaved lantern and fitted atop a rough hickory pole seven feet in length. Some trouble was encountered in finding a man tall enough to pour in the kerosene and trim the wicks.
A few years later artificial gas lamps were substituted placed on standards two blocks apart. These lamps were of about the volume of two lanterns with well polished globes. A man was employed to make the rounds in lighting them each evening, then when morning came he would retrace his steps in "blowing them.out." This system was replaced by the antiquated electric arc method. These lights were as far too dazzling as the gas lights were too dim.
One good thing can be said for them, however, their brilliancy would attract all the bugs and flying insects for
miles, the whole of which were unceremoniously electrocuted. During S. B. Cole's tenure of office as mayor
in 1913 the A. C. method of electricity for lighting and power was adopted. Improvements have been made from time to time until today Rich Hill's street lighting is modern in every respect and electricity is ample for all needs of the city. '

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