Flag Raising here To-Day
Mammoth Flag at Entrance to Central Park-- Patristic Occasion
The beautiful America flag was raised to the top of a mammoth flag pole nearly seventy feet high at the entrance to Central park this Friday afternoon with appropriate ceremonies enhanced with patriotic airs played by the Rich Hill band, The crowd was not as large as hoped for but the occasion was marked with genuine enthusiasm. Mayor Jones presided. J. D, Moore introduced the speaker of the day.
W. O. Jackson, of Butler, made the address of the day, delivering an eloquent and forceful address in harmony with the spirit of the occasion, the band rendered some fine selections, including the Star Spangled Banner, and Mrs. Marvin Gench gave a delightful song, which added a charm to the patriotic event.
The old war veterans were there and had the honor of raising "Old Glory," "which was a pleasant task for them. The flag is beautiful, 10x18 feet, and was purchased with contributions by the citizens of Rich through the untiring efforts of the Park Association girls who richly deserve the credit for their patriotic efforts.
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