Municipal Matters.
The city council convened in regular session Tuesday evening, Mayor Jones and all members of the council being present. In addition to routine business transacted, R. S, Parsons was installed as the new superintendent, and A Gordon assistant superintendent. Contracts were made for another year with the Westinghouse and B & M. companies for lamps, meters and other supplies. Monthly accounts were also allowed.
To the Public !
Having- rented the repair shop at the White Way Garage, I am prepared to repair all makes of automobiles; also any tractor or stationary engine, electrical work on motors, cars etc. Am equipped to pull in broken down cars.Kindly solicit your patronage. All work guaranteed.
H. R. Johnson
Phone 60
A new extension building is being added to the Dennis Miller garage property on Fifth Street. The new building is 50x50, and is being constructed of new building material from the Dickey clay plant, which has lately been enlarged, being the first output of the new clay and tile works. In the new garage building concrete floors have been laid, and a handsome French plate glass, front, with a broad entrance, and other improvements of a modern character will be added to the structure. When completed the Miller garage property will be 50x140 feet, giving the ample accommodations and making it one of the best in this section of country,
The building on Park Avenue occupied by Heck & Ruble, manufacturers and jobbers of fine cigars, is undergoing extensive improvements. A new French plate front has been added, partitions being torn out to give way to s fine office building and other interior improvements. This firm is manufacturing popular brands of cigars and their trade is being extended to cover a portion of Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma- They give employment-to several salesmen beside employees of the factory. The growth of their business justifies the modern improvements in the building occupied by this splendid industry
1 comment:
Joseph Heck was my great grandfather.
-Steve Heck
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