This article came from the Book "History of Bates County" Pages 913 and 914
"Passed at Rich Hill during the Fourth of July celebration in 1881 relative to the attempted assassination of President Garfield:
WHEREAS, Our people have heard with inexpressible horror and bowed heads the unfortunate attempt to assassinate the chief magistrate of the nation, therefore, at this hour of his unfavorable and dangerous condition, be it
Resolved, That the people of Rich Hill, Missouri, of every shade of political opinion, in public meeting assembled to celebrate the 101th anniversary of our nation's birthday, express their abhorrence of the cowardly, willful and bloody attempted assassination of the president of the United States.
Resolved, That they deplore the act as a national calamity, and most profoundly sympathize with the president and his family in their sore affliction, with the members of his cabinet and with their fellow-citizens generally in this unfortunate hour of national concern and distress.
Resolved, That they earnestly wish for his recovery that he may again walk forth in this land of liberty and enjoy the fruits of his well earned victory--that of being raised from the common walks of life to the highest pinacle of fame by his fellow-countrymen.
The above resolutions were submitted by the editor of the Mining review and adopted without dissenting voice, and a copy ordered forwarded to the secretary of state and that they be published in city papers."
Now when people ask me, "Why is Rich Hill Famous for the Fourth?" I now know the original reason Rich Hill became Famous for the Fourth and the true answer for their question.
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