Pages 73 and 74. The Annual is the Property of Mary & Melvin Kithcart

Rich Hill,Missouri, U.S.A.
Describing our city of Rich Hill, I fully realize the magnitude of my undertaking. To my mind's eye there is no more beautiful or important place on the face of the earth.
When she started her growth, back in the early eighties, we will admit she was very insignificant, but a start was all that was necessary. After that she grew rapidly until now we have a beautiful, prosperous city of the third class.
In the early days of Rich Hill, we did not have the advantages that we have today along business, religious and educational lines; hence we did not have the class of citizens we now have. A large percentage of them were foreigners, as our vast coal mines demanded workmen which we could not supply from among our own people. But as time west on we acquired our three large brick school buildings and competent teachers to instruct the children. I emphasize the fact "competent" when I refer to our High School instructors of today. Our good schools make better citizens; hence our city is better than ever before as it takes good citizens to make a good city.
When it comes to religious denominations, we can boast of almost every sect, as we have ten large churches, including the Catholic, Presbyterian, Christian, Baptist, Methodists, German Lutheran and First Church of Christ Scientist, so that anyone desiring to locate in Rich Hill can exercise perfect religious freedom and this is one of the most important phases of life.
There are also our two beautiful ten acre parks, situated on either side of the business part of the city, the like of which you cannot duplicate-in any city of our .size. Pleasure seekers can always find a refuge in them, and they are an ideal place for a picnic or anything of that nature. Shoppers, of which there are a great number, come to do their usual business, and nothing delights them more than to spread their lunch in picnic fashion. If the weather will not permit this and they long for a good warm meal they can stop at our large hotel which joins central park.
In speaking of out of town shoppers, a word is due our stores, which are the most up todate you will find any place—grocery, dry-goods, drug, furniture hardware etc. We have also two large Banks and they are as good institutions as you can find in many larger cities. Then there are our refreshment parlors, three in number, also two nice bakeries, restaurants, and many other business establishments.
Rich Hill is also a good railroad centre, being reached by three lines. The Missouri Pacific having two and the Frisco one.
We can also boast of a large ice plant which supplies us-the year around and a. brick & tile factory. Rich Hill has natural resources. We are surrounded by a vast agricultural area sufficient to always insure a substantial support. So when you tire of viewing our city just take a drive and inspect the surrounding country. On your way stop at the artesian well and take a drink of that cool delicious water or your inclination may lead you to the new Silver Lake Dairy. It is as clean and wholesome a place as can be found anywhere; also do not forget our Cemetery. There is no better kept or beautiful place of the kind than Green Lawn Cemetery. So you can see we care as much for, and respect the memories of our bygone relations and friends as any enlightened community should.
The resident part of our city is also a place of interest. One would be surprised at the number of beautiful homes here and our citizens seem to take more interest and pride in their homes as the years go by. In the last few years we have had fifteen miles of concrete, stone and brick walk put down. New homes have also been constructed in the past years and many more are being constructed. As the years go by and the older we get the more we realize, "There is no place like home.''
In closing my treatise on Rich Hill, I do not intend to be misleading in any of my statements, but I do intend to convince you of the importance of our city, both morally and financially, and I feel perfectly safe in saying that she is one of the finest little cities of her size to be found anywhere. In fact I feel justified in pronouncing her a regular little "Garden of Eden." S.C.12
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