The Rich Hill Tribune -May 3 1906 Page 5 (Our School Teachers)
The School board at their last regular meeting elected the following teachers for the ensuing year:.Prof Geo S. Smith, Principal high school.And Misses Emma Mattingly and Susie Haswell, teacher.
Prof. C.M. Leedy Principal graded school Bryant building and Misses Mary Mattingly, Blanche Rhodes, Agnes Twaddle Jo Steele and Belle Watson, teachers.
Prof. C. T. VanBenthusen, principal Franklin school, and Misses Lulu Springer, Myrs Fry and Essie Geiger, teachers.
Prof. S. O. King, principal holmes school with Misses Julia Connelly, Alma Ashby and Addlie Pettus, teachers.Very few changes were made in the list of teachers from last year.
Geo. McReynolds was elected janitor for the west side building Peter Haley for the east side building, and Geo. W. Lawson for the south side school.
Prof. Frank Robinson was reelected superintendent of the city schools sometime ago.
Monday, May 29, 2017
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Help I.D. Picture
In trying to identify a family picture that was taken in Rich Hill, MO I seen the Rich Hill History blog. I have a picture that says it was taken at Van Voorhis in Rich Hill, MO. This is some of my family but I do not know who they are. Do you put pictures on the blog for people to identify? I would like to put this picture on if possible. I do not know when it was taken - probably late 1800's. It could be from a Dudley family or Walker family. Any help you could give me would be appreciated.
Thank you.
M. Reed
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Retirement Celebration – Kay Thompson
Copied from RHTiger Talk
Mrs. Kay Thompson has been teaching at Rich Hill for 43 years. She graduated from Hume High School and Pittsburg State University. She began her teaching career in Overland Park, Kansas where she stayed for five years. Mrs. Thompson and her family moved to a farm south of Hume in July of 1974. Mr. Les White and Mr. Jesse Teel hired Mrs. Thompson to teach third grade in the Rich Hill School District at that time. Mrs. Thompson was allowed to bring her four children to school in the district. Her classroom was in the room where the elementary computer lab is today. Mrs. Dorothy Droz was the other third grade teacher. Many of the students who were in that 3rd grade class are still living in the community and Mrs. Thompson has had the opportunity to teach their children as well.
After 43 years in the teaching field long time Rich Hill teacher Mrs. Kay Thompson has decided to retire from teaching. The public is invited to come and help her celebrate her years of service on May 11, 2017 from 6-8 pm in the Rich Hill Elementary Cafeteria.

Mrs. Thompson says that she has many wonderful memories of exciting events that occurred while she has been part of the school. The girls had many special basketball teams who went to State, the boys winning the State football game in St. Louis, the track teams winning many events at State, and our Science Olympiad teams winning at Regionals to go on to the State contest where many students placed first in their events at the State tournaments. She hopes that she has instilled in her students the desire to be life-long learners. She finds it very rewarding to hear from students as they continue on their journey through life.
Mrs. Thompson went on to say that one of her best memories from childhood is coming to Rich Hill to roller skate at the rink with her family. Her dad would drive around their neighborhood with the grain truck and pick up families and then drive to Rich Hill. He had a tarp over the bed. She says she had so much fun skating and can remember winning some of the skating events. She says when she tells this story to her students today, they wish Rich Hill still had a skating rink.
Thank you Mrs. Thompson for your years devoted to the education of Rich Hill students. Enjoy your retirement. It is well deserved.
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