Monday, May 29, 2017

The Rich Hill Tribune -May 3 1906(Our School Teachers)

The Rich Hill Tribune -May 3 1906 Page 5 (Our School Teachers)

The School board at their last regular meeting elected the following teachers for the ensuing  year:.Prof  Geo S. Smith, Principal high school.And Misses Emma Mattingly and Susie Haswell, teacher.
Prof. C.M. Leedy Principal graded school Bryant building  and Misses Mary Mattingly, Blanche Rhodes, Agnes Twaddle Jo Steele and Belle Watson, teachers.
 Prof. C. T. VanBenthusen, principal Franklin school, and Misses Lulu Springer, Myrs Fry and Essie Geiger, teachers.
Prof. S. O. King, principal holmes school with Misses Julia Connelly, Alma Ashby and Addlie Pettus, teachers.Very few changes were made in the list of teachers from last year.
Geo. McReynolds was elected janitor for the west side building Peter Haley for the east side building, and Geo. W. Lawson for the south side school.
Prof. Frank Robinson was reelected superintendent of the city schools sometime ago.

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