Rich Hill Review June 19 ,1926
This is one of the two airplanes that will be in Rich Hill July 5 th. The attraction committee for the big celebration today, Saturday signed a contract with the Bennett Transport Go, of Kansas City, for a complete Air Circus and two parachute leaps from the planes. This is only one of the many free acts planned for the giant celebration and home coming, Monday, July 5th.

At the big Fourth of July celebration here late Monday, a parachute leap was made from an airplane of the Bennet Air Transportation company by Harold Grundy an athletic young man, who made the descent from a height of 3100 feet, landing safely in a cornfield out three miles east of the city. He was picked up by the plane. It was a thrilling performance and witnessed by a big crowd. Grundy was not so lucky in making a descent recently at Creighton, for he sustained painful injuries when he landed.
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