This item was taken from a 1917 issue of the Rich Hill Daily Review.
The demand for 8 cents El Nilos is such, that if the present force should work steady, they could barely fill orders now on hands, without selling another cigar between now and Jan. 1st next.
Scarcity of skilled labor has made it necessary for the workers to do their ut most to turn out the greatest number cigars possible, resulting in some of the fastest cigar makers in the State of Missouri. Mrs. Nona Fuqua Ashley, has the record for rolling a greater number of cigars, regular time between the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., of any cigar maker that ever worked in our shop during , our 33 years experience, and is an expert wrapper I cutter, and has learned her trade through begining at the bottom and working up, and account I of such has drawn in wages for 1 week as much I as $35.50, being the re cord of shop for above.