The city is well laid out, having broad streets and spacious alleys between each block. The business district is substantial, with its many walks of concrete, stone and brick. In the residence district are many beautiful homes, surrounded by large shade trees and elegant lawns.
The people of Rich Hill are congenial, and are always ready to extend the hand of welcome to any stranger who may come into the city.
The educational advantages are good. There are three fine brick school buildings, and all are supplied with good, competent teachers. It has a first-class four year High School, with five teachers and an attendance of 159. All of its work is accepted by the State Superintendant and by the M. S. U. Many country graduates are taking advantage of this school by coming to R. H. H. S. for a higher education.
Rich Hill is well supplied with its own natural gas. It also has an electric light plant, which furnishes the city with light, making the streets bright and pretty at night.
The brick and tile factory, located just outside the city, is another great benefit to the town. The ice plant, which manufactures ice, and furnishes it to the people, is a great help to the city. Both of these factories have a large output daily.
Another very great help to the city, is the dairy, located near by. Milk wagons make visits twice daily, thus enabling the people to obtain clean, wholesome milk, cream, butter and ice cream very conveniently.
Rich Hill also has its own waterworks system. The water which supplies the town, is obtained from wells of great depth, and is clear, pure and wholesome. In connection with the waterworks plant, Rich Hill has the best equipped fire department of any town of like size in the state.
The city has one daily newspaper and, until recently, had three weekly newspapers. However, one of these has been discontinued, and now we have but two weekly and one daily newspapers.
Rich Hill is also noted for its fine churches. It has nine nicely built church buildings, each of which gladly welcomes everyone to its services.
Two beautiful little parks are located in the city, one in the central part, and the other in the east part of town, at the end of Park Avenue. These parks look very handsome, with their pretty shade trees, lawn swings, seats and band stand, and are a great comfort to strangers coming into the city.
Many rich fields of undeveloped coal surround the town, as well as numerous local mines, which are a great benefit.
Rich Hill, with its many business, social, religious and educational advantages, its healthful climate and congenial people, is a most desirable place in which to live.